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Smarty Error


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I have been trying to add some code that replaces the text entry for the expiry year on cards with a drop down for the client to select from.


When I add the code the creditcard.php page fails to load, with error display enabled I get the following error:


Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/********/public_html/development/templates/portal/creditcard.tpl line 113]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'html_options' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 590) in /home/********/public_html/development/includes/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1093


Any one any idea why smarty is not liking the html_option tag?

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As a test I removed my code and put in code from the smarty manual, results in the same error. The code from there I had entered in the template was as follows:-


$smarty->assign('myOptions', array(
                               1800 => 'Joe Schmoe',
                               9904 => 'Jack Smith',
                               2003 => 'Charlie Brown')
$smarty->assign('mySelect', 9904);

{html_options name=foo options=$myOptions selected=$mySelect}

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I see that the function.html_options.php file isn't included in the default WHMCS installation. You can just get it from the original Smarty package and place it in the /includes/smarty/plugins/ folder.

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look closer at the error

unrecognized tag 'html_options'
check in the includes/smarty/plugins directory for function.html_options.php

It's attached here if its missing (rename it by removing the .txt)

also change $smarty to $this or add global $smarty; just under the {php}



EDIT: Looks like I took too long to post


Edited by sparky
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