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V8.12.x Hotfixes

2 files

  1. Fatal Error in cPanel Licensing Addon Module

    An issue has been identified in the 8.12.0 release, published on 16th January 2025, that causes a fatal error to occur in the cPanel Licensing Addon Module when viewing the module's UI and running the system cron (cron.php):
    Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Cannot make static method WHMCS\Module\Addon\Setting::getValue() non static in class WHMCS\Module\Addon\Cpanel\Licensing\Settings\AbstractSetting in unknown:0  



  2. Part-Paid invoices overcharged via PayPal Payments

    An issue has been identified in the 8.12.1 release, published on 23rd January 2025, that causes clients paying invoices via the PayPal Payments gateway to be charged the full invoice subtotal when paying a part-paid invoice, instead of the balance.



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