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V8.10.x Hotfixes

3 files

  1. Part-Paid invoices overcharged via PayPal Payments

    An issue has been identified in the 8.10.1 release, published on 24th April 2024, that causes clients paying invoices via the PayPal Payments gateway to be charged the full invoice subtotal when paying a part-paid invoice, instead of the balance.

    1 download


  2. Google reCAPTCHA v3

    A patch is being provided to add Google reCAPTCHA v3 spam and abuse protection to WHMCS v8.10.1 only.
    This feature will be included in v8.11 and above.
    If the reCAPTCHA v3 score is above the threshold, the form submission is blocked and an error is displayed "Recaptcha verification failed: Unknown error"
    To apply the Hotfix:
    Click "Download this Hotfix" to the right of this page. Upload and extract the file to your WHMCS installation's directory. If you have customised your admin directory, make sure to upload the contents of `admin` to your custom admin directory. When asked to override files, select yes. Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin Click + to register a new site Choose the `Score based (v3)` reCAPTCHA type. Enter your domain under the domains section. Click Submit Copy the Site Key and Secret Key that Google generated and enter them in WHMCS. Return to WHMCS and to to Configuration > System Settings > General Settings > Security tab. Enter the Google reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secret Key. Check Shopping Card Checkout and Client Registration under reCAPTCHA for Select Forms. For reCAPTCHA Score Threshold, enter the desired minimum score for reCAPTCHA verification. You can enter a value between 0 (least restrictive) and 1 (most restrictive). For example, `.5`. Click Save Changes Submissions will start to be recorded on the Google reCAPTCHA site, alongside a score for each threshold. Use this information to adjust the reCAPTCHA Score Threshold setting as necessary to block automated submissions.  
    Note: reCAPTCHA v3 adds a new setting "reCAPTCHA Score Threshold" at Configuration > System Settings > General Settings > Security tab.
    For guidance setting this score, see: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3#interpreting_the_score



  3. Invoice emails not sent via Add Payment and Refund tabs when viewing invoice

    An issue has been identified in the 8.10.1 release, published on 24th April 2024, that causes emails not to send when an admin Adds Payment or Refunds an invoice via the "View" invoice page in the WHMCS Admin Area.



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