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TAX amount needs to be rounded UP and not down

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When generating an order with the TAX value shown as 17.5% the order initially shows a figure which at invoice end differs as it appears that it rounds the figure down tothe nearest penny and not up.

e.g. If you generate a product which is £35.00 + tax...

The order screen shows tha total correctly at £41.13 but when it comes to the invoice stage it rounds it down to £41.12


Anything that can be done in the code here?



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I'm not confirming this observation, just commenting.


I think tax rounding should be neither up nor down. As a rule it should be to the nearest cent.

i.e. >=0.005 = 0.01

and < 0.005 = 0.00


The other issue is what to round and when.

Say a price is 61.355 (just for argument sake)

10% tax is 6.1355

Total is 67.4905 ROUNDED > 67.49


In this case the Australian tax office would expect to receive 6.14 (10/110*67.49)


IMHO, on the invoice, the rounding should be

goods 61.355 = 61.36

tax 10% 6.1355= 6.14

invoice total 67.50 (no rounding necessary)


tax payment 10/110*67.50 = 6.14


Just another thought, is PHP rounding always accurate?

I remember... many moons ago... when I used to code the odd BASIC program or two, we used to get rounding errors.

I stopped using the round() function and used my own instead (add .005 and truncate)


Cheers from Downunder,





/me Australian (thats my excuse and i'm stickin to it.

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In his example, it would come out to 41.125 which should be rounded to 41.13 (If on the other hand, it had been 41.124, then yes... rounding to 41.12 is fine)


I believe PHP's round() function will do this properly - it sounds as if the invoice is just trimming it to 2 decimals rather than rounding. But I dunno, just adding my own comment.


I finally had the chance to download and install WHMCS Beta R2 today and play with it a little.. I can't wait for the release so I can start using some of the new features for my customers (such as Tax and being able to assign affiliates to orders, and so much more!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  ptnetworks said:
In V3 Beta 2 they are not rounding, i have the same problem.



Are there any specific details you can provide about this so it can be recreated? Like when this happens and where? What amounts are being used, what tax rate is set, etc...?



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  • 1 month later...
  Matt said:


This seems to be working on my local copy here so I think some changes since the R2 BETA must have corrected this issue.





I'm sorry, but something is definitely wrong and should be looked at:


situation analysis:


License Type: Owned License

License Expires: Never

Version: 3.0.0


salex tax rule AU = 10.0%

sales tax exclusive switch = ON

price 14.95

Tax Product = ON

Client Country = AU

Tax client = ON




On screen order shows OK

product 14.95

sales tax 1.50

total 16.45


Order Confirmation email


Cpanel Hosting - Bronze Plan (tax-enabled.com)

Amount: $14.95 AUD Monthly

<<=============== no tax showing

Total: $16.45 AUD


Invoice confirmation


Bronze Plan - tax-enabled.com (02/03/2007 - 02/04/2007) $14.95 AUD


Sub Total: $14.95 AUD

Credit: $0.00 AUD

10.00% Tax Due: $1.49 AUD <<========should be 1.50

Total: $16.44 AUD <<===============should be 16.45





$14.95 AUD

Sub Total: $14.95 AUD

Credit: $0.00 AUD

10.00% Tax Due: $1.49 AUD

Total: $16.44 AUD


I will repeat this test with sales inclusive


Kind regards,



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hi ozzie,


i had the same issues (tax no showing) + 0.01 differs (wrong calc...)


tax no showing in order confirmation email is still an issue i just cut-off that part and only show [Product] and [Amount]. remember an invoice is send at the same time. hope this get fixed soon.


about the 0.01 minus. i reported that error since v3 release. Matt said it was because of the database version i use (MySQL 4.x), uhh? he did "some code changes" and issue get fixed. Later (a couple of day ago) i re-installed whmcs to get "all this files update" (bug report fixed) thinking that all of them was included in the zip.


in my case, it seems this 0.01 issue get fixed. but this "no tax showing" is new. hehe....


if you wonder where is the file that fixe 0.01 ?? i narrowed down to "include" folder. so download the .zip from client area and upload that folder (binary mode).


NOTE: it's a good idea to make a backup of "include" folder on your server before u upload the new one.

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Same settings as before except for

sales tax inclusive switch = ON


order step 4


$16.45 AUD

Subtotal: $14.95 AUD

GST @ 10.00%: $1.50 AUD

Total Due Today: $16.45 AUD

Total Recurring: $16.45 AUD Monthly

:) Heh, this looks promising :)




$16.45 AUD

Sub Total: $14.95 AUD

Credit: $0.00 AUD

10.00% Tax Due: $1.49 AUD

Total: $16.45 AUD


Pitty, wrong again


Order Confirmation email


Cpanel Hosting - Bronze Plan (tax-inclusive.com)

Amount: $16.45 AUD Monthly

no tax showing

Total: $16.45 AUD


This was to be expected. Not as dramatic on this instance since the advertised price would have been $16.45, still should be shown for consistency.


Invoice confirmation email


Bronze Plan - tax-inclusive.com (02/03/2007 - 02/04/2007) $16.45 AUD


Sub Total: $14.95 AUD

Credit: $0.00 AUD

10.00% Tax Due: $1.49 AUD

Total: $16.45 AUD



Over to you Matt.


Kind regards, Ozzie

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  xTiNcTion said:
hi ozzie,


out the 0.01 minus. i reported that error since v3 release. Matt said it was because of the database version i use (MySQL 4.x), uhh?



Sounds like a strange proposition to me, I've never heard of a database engine of any sort, causing rounding errors. Usually it's not the database doing calculations of any kind.


But, I'm willing to learn and look forward to a further explanation from the experts.





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  Matt said:
The order confirmation email not showing the tax is a known issue in V3. For the rounding error, you'll need to open a ticket so I can take a look.



And Matt looked and it was good. :lol:


Problem solved.



The solution is : An upload of the latest V3.0.0 files

(which I thought I had from a 5 Feb 2007 download...)


Cheers, Ozzie

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  xTiNcTion said:
for tax issue or rounding one?

That's the rounding one.

The confirmation email is a known problem, as Matt said.

So I assume it will be corrected in a future release.


And so it should, I think, but it is not a showstopper for me.

The rounding issue was.


Cheers, Ozzie

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