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package changes


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It's not designed to change the package price automatically. If people would like this however it could be added. With WHMCS, unlike some other systems you can modify the price for a product for individual clients giving ultimate flexibility on costings. If it automatically updated, a custom price might get overwritten but I suppose more often than not you would want the price altering to the new price of the package.



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Hmm, that's interesting. What happens with that method if you decide to raise your prices? Your existing clients should stay at the price they signed up at and only future signups should be charged the higher price but if they use the package price do they also get charged the new higher price?



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  MACscr said:
If you dont want to raise the price of your existing customers, i think it was recommended to clone the package, and just start a "new" package with the new price. Then just hide the old one from the order form. I could be remembering incorrectly.


If you do that, you will get allot of packages in your whmcs.

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  gismo said:
  MACscr said:
If you dont want to raise the price of your existing customers, i think it was recommended to clone the package, and just start a "new" package with the new price. Then just hide the old one from the order form. I could be remembering incorrectly.


If you do that, you will get allot of packages in your whm.


you may have alot of packages, but the method is nothing new. Most leave old packages still in the database. I work for a telecommunications company in the midwest, and we never delete promotional packages when customers use them. I think the second field would be perfect for custom pricing.

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  gismo said:
  MACscr said:
If you dont want to raise the price of your existing customers, i think it was recommended to clone the package, and just start a "new" package with the new price. Then just hide the old one from the order form. I could be remembering incorrectly.


If you do that, you will get allot of packages in your whm.


The package in WHM would be the same, but your right, you would have a lot more packages within WHMCS.

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  Matt said:
welch, I was only interested to know how they did it. There's no chance WHMCS will be changing to work like that. I'll try and get this auto price update in V3 though however.




I didn't mean to be rude, sorry if I did, just thought that the price should update, and like posted above have a pop-up saying it will override any custom pricing the customer may have on that product/service.

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  welch said:
I didn't mean to be rude, sorry if I did, just thought that the price should update, and like posted above have a pop-up saying it will override any custom pricing the customer may have on that product/service.


Oh, no problem - I didn't take it to be you were being rude, just wanted to clear up that the way WHMCS does it would not be changing.

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Personally, i don't use the price over ride; I just create a new package. Alot of packages is not a problem for me, I am used to searching through hundreds of product codes ;) . But the price change would really be nice, saves time from going to the product list and lookup the price.

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  MACscr said:
Matt, Why are you so closed to changes like this?


Because it is a core function of how WHMCS works and is something I personally need! Plus there are no problems with it like it is. It would also be close to impossible to provide an easy and automated upgrade that would hande this.



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The way ModernBill handles it (since I didn't see any proper reply regarding this) is that it has a checkbox to "grandfather prices" when you update the price of a package, so in that case it will set all the prices as a "custom price" for all current customers using that package.


Your system works in a similar way, except packages are always grandfathered when you change the price -- I don't know of any host who would increase the price of their customer's plan (unless of course it was a non-recurring coupon, which is a completely different situation), so I would say the feature is not all that needed (although some may think differently).

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  adakist said:
The way ModernBill handles it (since I didn't see any proper reply regarding this) is that it has a checkbox to "grandfather prices" when you update the price of a package, so in that case it will set all the prices as a "custom price" for all current customers using that package.


Your system works in a similar way, except packages are always grandfathered when you change the price -- I don't know of any host who would increase the price of their customer's plan (unless of course it was a non-recurring coupon, which is a completely different situation), so I would say the feature is not all that needed (although some may think differently).


good points and i think i have to agree. Im actually reading this at 3pm, versus 3am, so im a little more level headed. =P

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  MACscr said:
  adakist said:
The way ModernBill handles it (since I didn't see any proper reply regarding this) is that it has a checkbox to "grandfather prices" when you update the price of a package, so in that case it will set all the prices as a "custom price" for all current customers using that package.


Your system works in a similar way, except packages are always grandfathered when you change the price -- I don't know of any host who would increase the price of their customer's plan (unless of course it was a non-recurring coupon, which is a completely different situation), so I would say the feature is not all that needed (although some may think differently).


good points and i think i have to agree. Im actually reading this at 3pm, versus 3am, so im a little more level headed. =P


Maybe I read it wrong, but if a user upgrades a package, I am not going to give it to him at the price of the other package. All I would like to see is when a package is upgraded, the price reflected.

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  welch said:
  MACscr said:
  adakist said:
The way ModernBill handles it (since I didn't see any proper reply regarding this) is that it has a checkbox to "grandfather prices" when you update the price of a package, so in that case it will set all the prices as a "custom price" for all current customers using that package.


Your system works in a similar way, except packages are always grandfathered when you change the price -- I don't know of any host who would increase the price of their customer's plan (unless of course it was a non-recurring coupon, which is a completely different situation), so I would say the feature is not all that needed (although some may think differently).


good points and i think i have to agree. Im actually reading this at 3pm, versus 3am, so im a little more level headed. =P


Maybe I read it wrong, but if a user upgrades a package, I am not going to give it to him at the price of the other package. All I would like to see is when a package is upgraded, the price reflected.


Correct. I think me and adakist were talking about something else.

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  MACscr said:
  welch said:
  MACscr said:
  adakist said:
The way ModernBill handles it (since I didn't see any proper reply regarding this) is that it has a checkbox to "grandfather prices" when you update the price of a package, so in that case it will set all the prices as a "custom price" for all current customers using that package.


Your system works in a similar way, except packages are always grandfathered when you change the price -- I don't know of any host who would increase the price of their customer's plan (unless of course it was a non-recurring coupon, which is a completely different situation), so I would say the feature is not all that needed (although some may think differently).


good points and i think i have to agree. Im actually reading this at 3pm, versus 3am, so im a little more level headed. =P


Maybe I read it wrong, but if a user upgrades a package, I am not going to give it to him at the price of the other package. All I would like to see is when a package is upgraded, the price reflected.


Correct. I think me and adakist were talking about something else.


right on ! Sounds like a great road to be on.

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  adakist said:
I may have mis-interpreted this thread, but I was referring to the handling of changing a price for a package -- not a user upgrading to a different package.


all good. Just wanted to reflect the price change when pachage changed. :D

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so have locking price feature... which means if you decide to raise price you click locking current price for current customer.. so it won't change price for current customer which is what MB does it.


Also when adding configuration option or add-on or upgrading package, it should automatically calculate what is different based on next due date and should give prorated price on upgrading/downgrading... and change total price...



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