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Folder move leads to smarty error.


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I followed the instructions per what to do after you install the software and moved the templates_c, download, and attachment directories to above the pubic_html folder. I altered the configuration.php file to reflect those changes and added the line for error reporting. Afterward, loading the /whmcs/index.php returns:


Fatal error: Smarty error: the $compile_dir '/billing/templates_c/' does not exist, or is not a directory. in /home/mc48911/public_html/whmcs/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

The referring line in configuration.php reads:


$templates_compiledir = "/billing/templates_c/";


Dreamweaver was used to edit this file. The billing folder lives in the root of my hosted site, not my web root.


So, should I be editing the Smarty.class.php file? Or is this a matter of placing the alledged missing files elsewhere.


TIA, Michael

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I should have added the server uses suexec, or whatever that is called such that process that eliminates the need for 777 permissions. So permissions should not be an issue, all permissions on the path to templates_c are 755.

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Ah, this could be a problem, lines 70-82 of the smarty.class.php file. Assuming that these strings are folder names, there is no path prepended, so...



* The name of the directory where templates are located.


* @var string


var $template_dir = 'templates';



* The directory where compiled templates are located.


* @var string


var $compile_dir = 'templates_c';

I really hate being dead in the water... Ah, maybe this is a ticket, it really makes no sense that I would be alone on this sort of topic.
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