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Custom Notification Integration for Client Area – Is There a Built-in Option?


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Hello WHMCS Community,

I am currently working on a project within WHMCS and would like to know if there is any built-in functionality or integration that allows for custom notifications to be displayed in the Client Area. Specifically, I’m envisioning a notification button (like a bell icon), which, when clicked, would show a list of custom notifications relevant to the customer. I’d like the ability to add multiple notifications that are tailored to specific events.

Here are some examples of the types of custom notifications I’m interested in:

  • Account updates or changes
  • Special promotions or offers (specific to my project)
  • Billing reminders or overdue notices
  • System maintenance or downtime alerts

I’m curious if WHMCS already has a feature that allows for such custom notifications to be configured and displayed to clients easily, or if a custom module/integration would be required.

Additionally, any insights on best practices for creating or integrating custom notifications into the client area would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Thank you for your response.

However, I don’t want to send emails, SMS, or notifications through third-party applications.

I just want to display notifications in the client area to provide information, warnings, and alerts within the portal (ClientArea), not in other apps.

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