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Adding "Urgent" priority to support ticket

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I need to add another priority to support tickets labelled "Urgent" and pick this up in a hook to do something. I am struggling to achieve this (why this is not already possible is beyond me).

I have modified supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl to add the category, which is visible in the client area to support the ticket, but despite this, it continues to get raised as "Medium" (which is the default one).

At the moment I suspect this may be because there is not a word for "Urgent" in the language folder/database as it seems to use this for Low, Medium and High {$LANG.supportticketsticketurgencyhigh} 

The ticket gets raised correctly, but it ignores the value I have used, I simply entered my own value as follows:

       <select name="urgency" id="inputPriority" class="form-control">
                <option value="Urgent"{if $urgency eq "Urgent"} selected="selected"{/if}>
                <option value="High"{if $urgency eq "High"} selected="selected"{/if}>
                <option value="Medium"{if $urgency eq "Medium" || !$urgency} selected="selected"{/if}>
                <option value="Low"{if $urgency eq "Low"} selected="selected"{/if}>

The I wanted to pick it up with something like this :


add_hook('TicketOpen', 1, function($vars) {
    $str = var_export($vars, true);
    if (strpos($haystack, "'priority' => 'Urgent'") !== false)

 I know the value is there, but it just appears as "Medium" instead of the "Urgent" I created it as.

So... how can I achieve this? Can I add a word for Urgent so it uses this :    {$LANG.supportticketsticketurgencyhigh} if so, where is that stored and how can I create my own custom word there? I saw a reference to lang folders, but I can't find them anywhere.

Any help would be appreciated.

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