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Custom Registrar Module




We are using a custom registrar module to manage some domains.

Recently we added 3 options to the client area that allow customers directly accept, reject or cancel a domain transfer.

We would like to show to the customer in the client area the error returned from the registrar, so we´re using this:

    [result] => Array

 => 2301
            [msg] => Array
                    [lang] => en-US
                    [$t] => Object not pending transfer

            [value] => Array
                    [xmlns:oxrs] => urn:afilias:params:xml:ns:oxrs-1.1
                    [oxrs:xcp] => 2301:Object not pending transfer (domain.com)


but no message is returned in the client area. The idea is to show them the same message we get if we hit these buttons from the admin area, i e: Registrar Error
An error ocurred | CODE: 2301 | MESSAGE: | 2301:Object not pending transfer (domain.com)

We added this function to the registrar module:

function registrarmodule_ClientArea($params)
    logModuleCall('registrarmodule', 'ClientArea', 'params', $params);

    $output = '';

    return $output;

but its not returning anything. 

Not sure where to turn here.


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To show an error message in the client area, you can use the returnError method of the $response object in your registrar module. This method allows you to specify an error code and a message to be displayed to the user.

Here's an example of how you can use the returnError method to display an error message in the client area:

$response = new WHMCS\Module\Server();
$response->returnError('2301', 'Object not pending transfer (domain.com)');
This code will display an error message with the code "2301" and the message "Object not pending transfer (domain.com)" to the user.

In your specific case, it looks like you are trying to display an error message that includes both the error code and the message returned by the registrar. To do this, you can use the $response->returnError method and pass it the relevant values from the $params array:

$response = new WHMCS\Module\Server();
$response->returnError($params['result']['value']['oxrs:xcp'], $params['result']['msg']['$t']);

This code will extract the error code and message from the $params array and pass them to the returnError method, which will display them to the user.

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