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Error: Gateway Module "Gateway_notify" Not Activated


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Hello everyone,


I got an error for the gateway module callback from Payment Gateway below:



                        border: solid 1px #999;
           padding: 5px;
           background-color: #d9edf7;

   <div class="error-container">
<h2>Something went wrong and we couldn't process your request.</h2>
<p>Please go back to the previous page and try again.</p>
<p>Error: Gateway Module "Gateway_notify" Not Activated</p></div>


And this the callback


* DOKU Hosted Payment Callback File
* This sample file demonstrates how a payment gateway callback should be
* handled within WHMCS.
* It demonstrates verifying that the payment gateway module is active,
* validating an Invoice ID, checking for the existence of a Transaction ID,
* Logging the Transaction for debugging and Adding Payment to an Invoice.
* For more information, please refer to the online documentation.
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/callbacks/
* @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2017
* @license http://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula

// Require libraries needed for gateway module functions.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../init.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../includes/gatewayfunctions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../includes/invoicefunctions.php';

$$moduleName = $gatewayModuleName;

// Detect module name from filename.
$gatewayModuleName = basename(__FILE__, '.php');

// Fetch gateway configuration parameters.
$gatewayParams = getGatewayVariables($gatewayModuleName);

// Die if module is not active.
if (!$gatewayParams['type']) {
   die("Module Not Activated");

$order_id = checkCbInvoiceID($order_id, $gatewayParams['name']);
//$success = false;

if ($RESPONSECODE == '0000' && DOKUhosted::validateTransaction($TRANSIDMERCHANT, $BASKET, $WORDS)) {
$success = true;
} else {
$success = false;

if ($success) {
    * Add Invoice Payment.
    * Applies a payment transaction entry to the given invoice ID.
    * @param int $invoiceId         Invoice ID
    * @param string $transactionId  Transaction ID
    * @param float $paymentAmount   Amount paid (defaults to full balance)
    * @param float $paymentFee      Payment fee (optional)
    * @param string $gatewayModule  Gateway module name

   // Retrieve data returned in payment gateway callback
   // Varies per payment gateway
   //$success = $_POST["x_status"];
   //$TRANSIDMERCHANT = sha1(microtime());
   $transactionId = $_POST["TRANSIDMERCHANT"];
   $paymentAmount = $_POST["AMOUNT"];
   $BANK = $_POST["BANK"];
   $MCN = $_POST["MCN"];
   $MTIME = date("YmdHms");
   $CURRENCY = '360';
   $BRAND = $_POST["BRAND"];
   $WORDS = $_POST['WORDS'];

   //$transactionStatus = $success ? 'Success' : 'Failure';
  // $transactionStatus = $success ? echo "Success";
   $transactionStatus = $success;
   $success = 'Sucess'; 

* Validate callback authenticity.
* Most payment gateways provide a method of verifying that a callback
* originated from them. In the case of our example here, this is achieved by
* way of a shared secret which is used to build and compare a hash.

   $SHARED_KEY = $gatewayParams['SHARED_KEY'];
   $MALLID = $gatewayParams['MALLID'];
   $amount = $gatewayParams['AMOUNT'];

if ($hash != md5($paymentAmount.$MALLID.$SHARED_KEY.$TRANSIDMERCHANT.$VERIFYSTATUS)) {
//($hash != md5($invoiceId . $transactionId . $paymentAmount . $SHARED_KEY)) {
   $transactionStatus = $failed;
   $failed = 'Hash Verification Failure';
   echo $failed;
   //$success = false;

* Validate Callback Invoice ID.
* Checks invoice ID is a valid invoice number. Note it will count an
* invoice in any status as valid.
* Performs a die upon encountering an invalid Invoice ID.
* Returns a normalised invoice ID.
* @param int $invoiceId Invoice ID
* @param string $gatewayName Gateway Name
//$invoiceId = checkCbInvoiceID($invoiceId, $gatewayParams['name']);
$invoiceId = checkCbInvoiceID($invoiceId, $gatewayParams['name']);

* Check Callback Transaction ID.
* Performs a check for any existing transactions with the same given
* transaction number.
* Performs a die upon encountering a duplicate.
* @param string $transactionId Unique Transaction ID

* Log Transaction.
* Add an entry to the Gateway Log for debugging purposes.
* The debug data can be a string or an array. In the case of an
* array it will be
* @param string $gatewayName        Display label
* @param string|array $debugData    Data to log
* @param string $transactionStatus  Status
//logTransaction($gatewayParams['name'], $gatewayParams['WORDS'], .$transactionStatus);
logTransaction($gatewayParams['name'], $_POST, $transactionStatus);

if ($success) {

    * Add Invoice Payment.
    * Applies a payment transaction entry to the given invoice ID.
    * @param int $invoiceId         Invoice ID
    * @param string $transactionId  Transaction ID
    * @param float $paymentAmount   Amount paid (defaults to full balance)
    * @param float $paymentFee      Payment fee (optional)
    * @param string $gatewayModule  Gateway module name
   echo "Payment success notification accepted";
//Adopted from paypal to log all the failed transaction
$orgipn = "";
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
	$orgipn.= ("" . $key . " => " . $value . "\r\n");		
logTransaction($gatewayModuleName, $orgipn, "Duitku Handshake Invalid");
header("HTTP/1.0 406 Not Acceptable");


It still show me the error also it wasn't saved to Gateway Log the error occurred. Could someone help me for this issue ?


Thank you

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