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Issues with provisioning module


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Hi everyone,

We've been developing our module for our own VPS Control panel, but I having a little bit of issues (To WHMCS guys, please make a more detailed documentation!)


Here's the situation:


Configuration Function:


function WNCloud_ConfigOptions() {
   return array (
       // Choose Node button
       "node" => array(
         "FriendlyName" => "Node",
           "Type" => "dropdown",
           "Options" => "nodo-02",
           "Description" => "Decide on which node create the VPS",
           "Default" => "nodo-02",
       // Choose Template button
       "template" => array(
           "FriendlyName" => "Server Template",
           "Type" => "dropdown",
           "Options" => getTemplates(),
           "Description" => "Define which template should be installed by default",
           "Default" => "800",


Crate Account Function:


function WNCloud_CreateAccount(array $params) {
   global $db;
   try {
       $oid = incrementalHash();
       $status = 'SETUP_WAIT';
       $p = '0';
       $sql = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO daemon (order_id, template_id, user, status, pass, root_pw) VALUES (:oid, :t, :user, :status, :pass, :pw)');
       $sql->bindParam(':oid', $oid);
       $sql->bindParam(':t', $params['configoption2']);
       $sql->bindParam(':user', $params['clientsdetails']['email']);
       $sql->bindParam(':status', $status);
       $sql->bindParam(':pass', $p);
       $sql->bindParam(':pw', $params['customfields']['password']);
   } catch (Exception $e) {

       return $e->getMessage();

   return 'success';



Other functions just like incrementalHash() and getTemplates() are working just fine! but the creation function just loops over and over when I click on the "Create" button from within WHMCS. Am I using the $params array wrong?



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