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Gateway fees module

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So ive come across this module that is open source and thought I would share it and if anyone can improve the code that would be awesome!


[h=1]Gateway Fees Plugin for WHMCS[/h] Version: 1.0.1

This is an open-source version of the Gateway Fees plugin for WHMCS, it will allow you to set percentage fees on prices of your product in WHMCS.

To install this addon module, upload the gateway_fees directory to /modules/addons/.

Go to Setup -> Addon Modules, active and configure price ($ and/or % per transaction).

Your activated payment gateways will be automaticly shown there. You can set fixed fee or/and some percent of the total.




                      if (!defined("WHMCS")) die("This file cannot be accessed directly");                       
                      function gateway_fees_config()                       {                       	$configarray = array(                       		"name" => "Gateway Fees for WHMCS",                       		"description" => "Add fees based on the gateway being used.",                       		"version" => "1.0.1",                       		"author" => "Open Source"                       	);                       	$result = select_query("tblpaymentgateways", "", "", "", "");                       	while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {                       		$configarray['fields']["fee_1_" . $data['gateway']] = array(                       			"FriendlyName" => $data['gateway'],                       			"Type" => "text",                       			"Default" => "0.00",                       			"Description" => "$"                       		);                       		$configarray['fields']["fee_2_" . $data['gateway']] = array(                       			"FriendlyName" => $data['gateway'],                       			"Type" => "text",                       			"Default" => "0.00",                       			"Description" => "%<br />"                       		);                       	}                       
                      	return $configarray;                       }                       
                      function gateway_fees_activate()                       {                       	$result = mysql_query('select * from tblpaymentgateways group by gateway');                       	while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {                       		$query2 = "insert into `tbladdonmodules` (module,setting,value) value ('gateway_fees','fee_1_" . $data['gateway'] . "','0.00' )";                       		$result2 = mysql_query($query2);                       		$query3 = "insert into `tbladdonmodules` (module,setting,value) value ('gateway_fees','fee_2_" . $data['gateway'] . "','0.00' )";                       		$result3 = mysql_query($query3);                       	}                       }                       




                      function update_gateway_fee3($vars)                       {                           $id = $vars['invoiceid'];                           updateInvoiceTotal($id);                       }                       
                      function update_gateway_fee1($vars)                       {                           $id = $vars['invoiceid'];                           $result = select_query("tblinvoices", '', "id='" . $id . "'", "", "");                           $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);                           update_gateway_fee2(array(                               'paymentmethod' => $data['paymentmethod'],                               "invoiceid" => $data['id']                           ));                       }                       
                      function update_gateway_fee2($vars)                       {                           $paymentmethod = $vars['paymentmethod'];                           delete_query("tblinvoiceitems", "invoiceid='" . $vars[invoiceid] . "' and notes='gateway_fees'");                           $result = select_query("tbladdonmodules", "setting,value", "setting='fee_2_" . $vars['paymentmethod'] . "' or setting='fee_1_" . $vars[paymentmethod] . "'");                           while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {                               $params[$data[0]] = $data[1];                           }                       
                          $fee1 = ($params['fee_1_' . $paymentmethod]);                           $fee2 = ($params['fee_2_' . $paymentmethod]);                           $total = InvoiceTotal($vars['invoiceid']);                           if ($total > 0) {                               $amountdue = $fee1 + $total * $fee2 / 100;                               if ($fee1 > 0 & $fee2 > 0) {                                   $d = $fee1 . '+' . $fee2 . "%";                               }                               elseif ($fee2 > 0) {                                   $d = $fee2 . "%";                               }                               elseif ($fee1 > 0) {                                   $d = $fee1;                               }                           }                       
                          if ($d) {                               insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array(                                   "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'],                                   "invoiceid" => $vars[invoiceid],                                   "type" => "Fee",                                   "notes" => "gateway_fees",                                   "description" => getGatewayName2($vars['paymentmethod']) . " Fees ($d)",                                   "amount" => $amountdue,                                   "taxed" => "0",                                   "duedate" => "now()",                                   "paymentmethod" => $vars[paymentmethod]                               ));                           }                       
                          updateInvoiceTotal($vars[invoiceid]);                       }                       
                      add_hook("InvoiceChangeGateway", 1, "update_gateway_fee2");                       add_hook("InvoiceCreated", 1, "update_gateway_fee1");                       add_hook("AdminInvoicesControlsOutput", 2, "update_gateway_fee3");                       add_hook("AdminInvoicesControlsOutput", 1, "update_gateway_fee1");                       add_hook("InvoiceCreationAdminArea", 1, "update_gateway_fee1");                       add_hook("InvoiceCreationAdminArea", 2, "update_gateway_fee3");                       
                      function InvoiceTotal($id)                       {                           global $CONFIG;                           $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "", array(                               "invoiceid" => $id                           ));                           while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {                               if ($data['taxed'] == "1") {                                   $taxsubtotal+= $data['amount'];                               }                               else {                                   $nontaxsubtotal+= $data['amount'];                               }                           }                       
                          $subtotal = $total = $nontaxsubtotal + $taxsubtotal;                           $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "userid,credit,taxrate,taxrate2", array(                               "id" => $id                           ));                           $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);                           $userid = $data['userid'];                           $credit = $data['credit'];                           $taxrate = $data['taxrate'];                           $taxrate2 = $data['taxrate2'];                           if (!function_exists("getClientsDetails")) {                               require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/clientfunctions.php");                       
                          $clientsdetails = getClientsDetails($userid);                           $tax = $tax2 = 0;                           if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] == "on" && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) {                               if ($taxrate != "0.00") {                                   if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") {                                       $taxrate = $taxrate / 100 + 1;                                       $calc1 = $taxsubtotal / $taxrate;                                       $tax = $taxsubtotal - $calc1;                                   }                                   else {                                       $taxrate = $taxrate / 100;                                       $tax = $taxsubtotal * $taxrate;                                   }                               }                       
                              if ($taxrate2 != "0.00") {                                   if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) {                                       $taxsubtotal+= $tax;                                   }                       
                                  if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") {                                       $taxrate2 = $taxrate2 / 100 + 1;                                       $calc1 = $taxsubtotal / $taxrate2;                                       $tax2 = $taxsubtotal - $calc1;                                   }                                   else {                                       $taxrate2 = $taxrate2 / 100;                                       $tax2 = $taxsubtotal * $taxrate2;                                   }                               }                       
                              $tax = round($tax, 2);                               $tax2 = round($tax2, 2);                           }                       
                          if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") {                               $subtotal = $subtotal - $tax - $tax2;                           }                           else {                               $total = $subtotal + $tax + $tax2;                           }                       
                          if (0 < $credit) {                               if ($total < $credit) {                                   $total = 0;                                   $remainingcredit = $total - $credit;                               }                               else {                                   $total-= $credit;                               }                           }                       
                          $subtotal = format_as_currency($subtotal);                           $tax = format_as_currency($tax);                           $total = format_as_currency($total);                           return $total;                       }                       
                      function getGatewayName2($modulename)                       {                           $result = select_query("tblpaymentgateways", "value", array(                               "gateway" => $modulename,                               "setting" => "name"                           ));                           $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);                           return $data["value"];                       }                       


- - - Updated - - -



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