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CUstomize template without index.html


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I would like to customize my whmcs template but the joomla template I am using only has index.php and no html code to copy and paste on header or footer.


How can I customize it using the php file?


The code of my index.php file is as below




//no direct accees

defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('resticted aceess');


$doc = JFactory::getDocument();



JHtml::_('bootstrap.framework'); //Force load Bootstrap

unset($doc->_scripts[$this->baseurl . '/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js']); // Remove joomla core bootstrap


//Load Helix

$helix3_path = JPATH_PLUGINS.'/system/helix3/core/helix3.php';


if (file_exists($helix3_path)) {


$this->helix3 = helix3::getInstance();

} else {

die('Please install and activate helix plugin');



//Coming Soon

if($this->helix3->getParam('comingsoon_mode')) header("Location: ".$this->baseUrl."?tmpl=comingsoon");


//Class Classes

$body_classes = '';


if($this->helix3->getParam('sticky_header')) {

$body_classes .= ' sticky-header';



$body_classes .= ($this->helix3->getParam('boxed_layout', 0)) ? ' layout-boxed' : ' layout-fluid';


//Body Background Image

if($bg_image = $this->helix3->getParam('body_bg_image')) {


$body_style = 'background-image: url(' . JURI::base(true ) . '/' . $bg_image . ');';

$body_style .= 'background-repeat: '. $this->helix3->getParam('body_bg_repeat') .';';

$body_style .= 'background-size: '. $this->helix3->getParam('body_bg_size') .';';

$body_style .= 'background-attachment: '. $this->helix3->getParam('body_bg_attachment') .';';

$body_style .= 'background-position: '. $this->helix3->getParam('body_bg_position') .';';

$body_style = 'body.site {' . $body_style . '}';


$doc->addStyledeclaration( $body_style );



//Body Font

$webfonts = array();


if( $this->params->get('enable_body_font') ) {

$webfonts['body'] = $this->params->get('body_font');



//Heading1 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h1_font') ) {

$webfonts['h1'] = $this->params->get('h1_font');



//Heading2 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h2_font') ) {

$webfonts['h2'] = $this->params->get('h2_font');



//Heading3 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h3_font') ) {

$webfonts['h3'] = $this->params->get('h3_font');



//Heading4 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h4_font') ) {

$webfonts['h4'] = $this->params->get('h4_font');



//Heading5 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h5_font') ) {

$webfonts['h5'] = $this->params->get('h5_font');



//Heading6 Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_h6_font') ) {

$webfonts['h6'] = $this->params->get('h6_font');



//Navigation Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_navigation_font') ) {

$webfonts['.sp-megamenu-parent'] = $this->params->get('navigation_font');



//Custom Font

if( $this->params->get('enable_custom_font') && $this->params->get('custom_font_selectors') ) {

$webfonts[ $this->params->get('custom_font_selectors') ] = $this->params->get('custom_font');





//Custom CSS

if($custom_css = $this->helix3->getParam('custom_css')) {

$doc->addStyledeclaration( $custom_css );



//Custom JS

if($custom_js = $this->helix3->getParam('custom_js')) {

$doc->addScriptdeclaration( $custom_js );




<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" dir="<?php echo $this->direction; ?>">


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


if($favicon = $this->helix3->getParam('favicon')) {

$doc->addFavicon( JURI::base(true) . '/' . $favicon);

} else {

$doc->addFavicon( $this->helix3->getTemplateUri() . '/images/favicon.ico' );




<jdoc:include type="head" />




$this->helix3->addCSS('bootstrap.min.css, font-awesome.min.css, default.css') // CSS Files

->addJS('bootstrap.min.js, jquery.cookie.js, jquery.sticky.js, main.js, jquery.counterup.min.js, waypoints.min.js, jquery.easing.1.3.min.js, jquery.mixitup.min.js, jquery.stellar.min.js, wow.min.js, custom.js, scroll.js') // JS Files



'bg_color'=> $this->helix3->PresetParam('_bg'),

'text_color'=> $this->helix3->PresetParam('_text'),

'major_color'=> $this->helix3->PresetParam('_major')


->addLess('legacy/bootstrap', 'legacy')

->addLess('master', 'template');



if($this->direction=='rtl') {


->addLess('rtl', 'rtl');



$this->helix3->addLess('presets', 'presets/'.$this->helix3->Preset(), array('class'=>'preset'));


//Before Head

if($before_head = $this->helix3->getParam('before_head')) {

echo $before_head . "\n";




<body class="<?php echo $this->helix3->bodyClass( $body_classes ); ?>">

<div class="body-innerwrapper">

<?php $this->helix3->generatelayout(); ?>


<div class="offcanvas-menu">

<a href="#" class="close-offcanvas"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>

<div class="offcanvas-inner">

<?php if ($this->helix3->countModules('offcanvas')) { ?>

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="offcanvas" style="sp_xhtml" />

<?php } else { ?>

<p class="alert alert-warning"><?php echo JText::_('HELIX_NO_MODULE_OFFCANVAS'); ?></p>

<?php } ?>






if($this->params->get('compress_css')) {




if($this->params->get('compress_js')) {

$this->helix3->compressJS( $this->params->get('exclude_js') );



if($before_body = $this->helix3->getParam('before_body')) {

echo $before_body . "\n";




<p align="center"><a href="http://ltheme.com" target="_blank" title="Free Joomla! template by L.THEME">Free Joomla! template by L.THEME</a></p>

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="debug" />









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