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contact form with two radio buttons: a yes and a no.

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Hi everybody !!


Here is my problem:

I have a contact form with two radio buttons: a yes and a no.

I would like one or the other is checked by default according to the value 'yes' or 'no'

I know if I am very clear but instead of words, here is my code:

yes no button for radio:


<div class="feildset">

		<div class="col1">

					<span>Êtes-vous déjà client: requis*</span>
                                               <input type="radio" name="Oui" value="Oui" tabindex="1"requred="required" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="Non" value="Non" tabindex="2" checked="checked" requred="required" /> Non						

					<span>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine: requis*</span>
                                               <input type="radio" name="Oui" value="Oui" tabindex="3" requred="required" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="Non" value="Non" tabindex="4" checked="checked" requred="required" /> Non

                                               <span>Ce champ est facultatif.</span>						
					<input name="domaine" value="{$domaine}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom de domaine" type="text" tabindex="5" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />					       

					<span>{$LANG.contactname}: requis*</span>
					<input  name="name" value="{$name}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom" type="text" tabindex="6" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />

					<span>{$LANG.contactemail}: requis*</span>
					<input name="email" value="{$email}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrer votre e-mail" type="email" tabindex="7" requred="required" />


I already did a test

but already, whatever the value, the No button is always checked! whereas normally if I put yes, it should not be checked ...



if I put yes, I want the field "This field is optional" appears


					<span>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine: requis*</span>
                                               <input type="radio" name="Oui" value="Oui" tabindex="3" requred="required" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="Non" value="Non" tabindex="4" checked="checked" requred="required" /> Non

                                               <span>Ce champ est facultatif.</span>						
					<input name="domaine" value="{$domaine}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom de domaine" type="text" tabindex="5" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />					       




then change the value: for a list


					<span>{$LANG.contactsubject}: ({$LANG.required})</span>
					<input name="subject" value="{$subject}" placeholder="{$LANG.contact_subject}" type="text" tabindex="3" requred="required" />



replace with


replace the subject by subject field

					<select class="placeholder" tabindex="8" required="required" name="subject" id="subject">
	                                <option value="">Sujet de votre demande</option>
	                                <option value="Nom de domaine">Nom de domaine</option>
	                                <option value="Hébergement">Hébergement</option>
	                                <option value="Référencement">Référencement</option>
	                                <option value="Serveur dédié & VPS">Serveur dédié & VPS</option>
	                                <option value="Service commercial">Service commercial</option>
	                                <option value="Service abuse">Service abuse</option>


the problem send a test message

it does not work



thank you for your help !!

Edited by hostingames
replace the subject by subject field
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I would like if you click yes lowest part hidden appears:


If you click No (on the question Are you already a customer) this hidden part must not appear.

However I have no idea how to do (I started very javascript) ^^


Is that you can help me please?

Thank you in advance



					<span>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine: requis*</span>
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="oui" id="oui" requred="required" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="non" id="non" requred="required" checked="checked" /> Non

                                               <span>Ce champ est facultatif.</span>						
					<input name="domaine" value="{$domaine}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom de domaine" type="text" tabindex="5" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />					       






code running) except that when you clicked yes, and that result is clicked not the same when hidden area remains




					<span>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine: requis*</span>
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="oui" id="oui" requred="required" onClick="afficher();" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="non" id="non" requred="required" checked="checked" /> Non

                                               <p id="champ_cache">
                                               <span>Ce champ est facultatif.</span>						
					<input name="domaine" value="{$domaine}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom de domaine" type="text" tabindex="5" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />					       

                                               <script type="text/javascript">
                                               document.getElementById("champ_cache").style.display = "none";

                                               function afficher()
                                               document.getElementById("champ_cache").style.display = "block";







tell me if this is correct

I found




                                               <label>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine :</label>						
                                               <input type="radio" name="domaine" value="1" id="client" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="domaine" value="0" id="noclient" checked="checked" /> Non

                                               <div class="" id="domaine_input" style="display: block;">                                               													
                     	                        <input type="text" placeholder="Votre nom de domaine" name="domaine"  value="{$domaine}" />
			                <p>Ce champ est facultatif.</p>

                                               <script type="text/javascript">
                                            $('input[name="domaine"]').change(function() {
	                                        if ($('input[name="domaine"]:checked').val() == 1) {
	                                        } else {

Edited by hostingames
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hi, whmcs v6


Need help


person would have an idea please


the fields hide it appears http://prntscr.com/7rys7a


<div class="feildset">

		<div class="col1">

					<label>Êtes-vous déjà client: </label>
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="oui" id="oui" /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="choix" value="non" id="non" checked="checked" /> Non						

					<label>Avez vous déjà un nom de domaine: </label>
                                               <input type="radio" name="inputdomaine" value="1" id="client"  /> Oui
                                               <input type="radio" name="inputdomaine" value="0" id="noclient" checked="checked" /> Non

                                               <div class="" id="domaine_input" style="display: block;">
                                               <span>Ce champ est facultatif.</span>													
                     	                        <input class="" type="text" placeholder="Votre nom de domaine" name="domaine"  value="{$domaine}" />				

                                            $('input[name="inputdomaine"]').change(function() {
	                                        if ($('input[name="inputdomaine"]:checked').val() == 1) {
	                                        } else {
                                             $('input[name="inputClient"]').change(function() {
	                                        if ($('input[name="inputClient"]:checked').val() == 1) {
	                                        } else {

					<span>{$LANG.contactname}: requis*</span>
					<input  name="name" value="{$name}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre nom" type="text" tabindex="6" requred="required" autofocus="autofocus" />

					<span>{$LANG.contactemail}: requis*</span>
					<input name="email" value="{$email}" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrer votre e-mail" type="email" tabindex="7" requred="required" />

                                               <span>Sujet de votre demande: requis*</span>
					<select class="" tabindex="8" required="required" name="subject" id="subject">
	                                <option value="">Sujet de votre demande</option>
	                                <option value="Nom de domaine">Nom de domaine</option>
	                                <option value="Hébergement">Hébergement</option>
	                                <option value="Référencement">Référencement</option>
	                                <option value="Serveur dédié & VPS">Serveur dédié & VPS</option>
	                                <option value="Service commercial">Service commercial</option>
	                                <option value="Service abuse">Service abuse</option>

					<span>{$LANG.contactmessage}: requis*</span>
					<textarea name="message" placeholder="S'il vous plaît entrez votre message" tabindex="9" required="required">{$message}</textarea>

			{if $capatacha}
			<p class="center"><strong>{$LANG.captchatitle}</strong></p>
			<p class="center">{$LANG.captchaverify}</p>
			{if $capatacha eq "recaptcha"}
			<div align="center">{$recapatchahtml}</div>
			<p class="center"><img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle" /> <input type="text" name="code" tabindex="10" class="capcha" /></p>

		  <p class="center">
		    <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.contactsend}" class="button1 color2" />










thank you

Edited by hostingames
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