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Admin Directory Conflict - cannot access admin area


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I cannot access the admin area. When I try to access admin at mydomain/whmcs/admin, I get an Admin Directory Conflict message:

"You are attempting to access the admin area via a directory that is different from the one configured. Please refer to the Customising the Admin Directory documentation for instructions on how to update it."


I've checked the $customadminpath, and it is correct, however, I still cannot access the admin area. I've also had the license key reissued and reinstalled WHMCS completely. Why can I not access the admin area? HELP!!


The whole problem started when I installed it to mydomain.com and it took over my site. So I changed the directory and now I simply cannot fix the problem. None of the forum fixes that I've searched and read have worked for me.

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OMG! After 4 weeks of trying everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! that was suggested by WHMCS and the forums (support tickets, forums, php configuration file, template_c erasure, blah blah blah), here is what I did...


I am not a coder, let me make this clear...But out of the blue I used the word FORCE because I saw that a setting of 'force adminSSL..." or something or other could have been set to 'on' instead of 'off'.


I used:


$forcecustomadminpath = "whmcs/admin/"; in my configuration.php file in my main whmcs directory - whether that is directly on your domain or in a separate directory is up to your installation. Mine is http://www.domain.com/whmcs/admin.


I added FORCE to the beginning of the string and it opened right up! OMG, what the #()!& #$!!...Why hasn't anyone mentioned that before?????


So here is some info for those of you who might also be floundering in newbie land with me :-)


When they say to change your $customadminpath in your configuration.php file, this is what you do if their instructions don't work (at least it worked for me)


Love and kisses,


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Simply put, the only reason it is working for you now is because $forcecustomadminpath is not a valid variable read by WHMCS. You shouldn't have been using $customadminpath in the first place UNLESS you had renamed your "admin" folder to something other than the default of "admin".


$customadminpath when used should only contain a folder name, not a path like you have.


Please read carefully: http://docs.whmcs.com/Customising_the_Admin_Directory

Edited by hooter
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Thanks for the reply Hooter, but I tried all that, even deleting the $customadminpath = entry in my configure.php file, but NOTHING worked! I very carefully read and followed the directions in Customising the Admin Directory but it didn't help. I even deleted the contents of the templates_c directory after reading a post in the forum.


I don't know of and can't figure any other way to access the admin area.

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