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Need help in few changes


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Hi All,


I'm new to this forum and very less exposed to coding stuff. Please help me on below issue.


We are using below code for license validations and due to some technical challenges our server is going down which in turn effecting our users I want to make few changes like


  • Even if our server is down for some time it should not impact our users(their site should not be down) or
  • Temporarily disable license validations or
  • user site should not check for license (week or month).



function check_license($licensekey, $localkey = '') {
$whmcsurl = 'http://abc.com/license';
$licensing_secret_key = 'xyzabd123*******';
$check_token = time(  ) . md5( mt_rand( 1000000000, 9999999999 ) . $licensekey );
date( 'Ymd' );
$checkdate = ;
$usersip = (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']);
$localkeydays = 21;
$allowcheckfaildays = 16;
$localkeyvalid = false;

if ($localkey) {str_replace( '', '', $localkey );
	$localkey = ;
	substr( $localkey, 0, strlen( $localkey ) - 32 );
	$localdata = ;
	substr( $localkey, strlen( $localkey ) - 32 );
	$md5hash = ;

	if ($md5hash == md5( $localdata . $licensing_secret_key )) {
		strrev( $localdata );
		$localdata = ;
		substr( $localdata, 0, 32 );
		$md5hash = ;
		substr( $localdata, 32 );
		$localdata = ;
		base64_decode( $localdata );
		$localdata = ;
		unserialize( $localdata );
		$localkeyresults = ;
		$originalcheckdate = ;

		if ($md5hash == md5( $originalcheckdate . $licensing_secret_key )) {
			date( 'Ymd', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $localkeydays, date( 'Y' ) ) );
			$localexpiry = ;

			if ($localexpiry < $originalcheckdate) {$localkeyvalid = true; 
				$results = ;
				explode( ',', $results['validdomain'] );
				$validdomains = ;

				if (!in_array( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $validdomains )) {
					$localkeyvalid = false;
					$localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';
					$results = array(  );

				explode( ',', $results['validip'] );
				$validips = ;

				if (!in_array( $usersip, $validips )) {
					$localkeyvalid = false;
					$localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';
					$results = array(  );

				if ($results['validdirectory'] != dirname( __FILE__ )) {
					$localkeyvalid = false;
					$localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';
					$results = array(  );

if (!$localkeyvalid) {
	$postfields['licensekey'] = $licensekey;
	$postfields['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
	$postfields['ip'] = $usersip;
	$postfields['dir'] = dirname( __FILE__ );

	if ($check_token) {
		$postfields['check_token'] = $check_token;

	if (function_exists( 'curl_exec' )) {
		curl_init(  );
		$ch = ;
		curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whmcsurl . 'modules/servers/licensing/verify.php' );
		curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
		curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields );
		curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30 );
		curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
		curl_exec( $ch );
		$data = ;
		curl_close( $ch );
	else {
		fsockopen( $whmcsurl, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5 );
		$fp = ;

		if ($fp) {
			$querystring = '';
			foreach ($postfields as ) {[0];[1]; $v = ; $k = ;
				$querystring .= '' . $k . '=' . urlencode( $v ) . '&';

			$header = 'POST ' . $whmcsurl . 'modules/servers/licensing/verify.php HTTP/1.0';
			$header .= 'Host: ' . $whmcsurl . '';
			$header .= 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
			$header .= 'Content-length: ' . @strlen( $querystring ) . '';
			$header .= 'Connection: close';
			$header .= ;
			$data = '';
			@stream_set_timeout( $fp, 20 );
			@fputs( $fp, $header );
			@socket_get_status( $fp );
			$status = ;

			while (( !@feof( $fp ) && $status )) {
				@fgets( $fp, 1024 );
				$data .= ;
				@socket_get_status( $fp );
				$status = ;

			@fclose( $fp );

	if (!$data) {
		date( 'Ymd', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - ( $localkeydays + $allowcheckfaildays ), date( 'Y' ) ) );
		$localexpiry = ;

		if ($localexpiry < $originalcheckdate) {
			$results = ;
		else {
			$results['status'] = 'Invalid';
			$results['description'] = 'Remote Check Failed';
			return $results;

	preg_match_all( '/<(.*?)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/i', $data, $matches );
	$results = array(  );
	foreach ($matches[1] as ) { [0]; [1]; $v = ; $k = ;
		$results[$v] = $matches[2][$k];

	if ($results['md5hash']) {
		if ($results['md5hash'] != md5( $licensing_secret_key . $check_token )) {
			$results['status'] = 'Invalid';
			$results['description'] = 'MD5 Checksum Verification Failed';
			return $results;

	if ($results['status'] == 'Active') {
		$results['checkdate'] = $checkdate;
		serialize( $results );
		$data_encoded = ;
		base64_encode( $data_encoded );
		$data_encoded = ;
		$data_encoded = md5( $checkdate . $licensing_secret_key ) . $data_encoded;
		strrev( $data_encoded );
		$data_encoded = ;
		$data_encoded = $data_encoded . md5( $data_encoded . $licensing_secret_key );
		wordwrap( $data_encoded, 80, '
', true );
		$data_encoded = ;
		$results['localkey'] = $data_encoded;

	$results['remotecheck'] = true;

unset( $postfields,$data,$matches,$whmcsurl,$licensing_secret_key,$checkdate,$usersip,$localkeydays,$allowcheckfaildays,$md5hash );
return $results;

$file = 'license.txt';
explode( '', file_get_contents( $file ) );
$lines = ;
$licensekey = ;
$localkey = '9tjIxIzNwgDMwIjI6gjOztjIlRXYkt2Ylh2YioTO6M3OicmbpNnblNWasx1cyVmdyV2ccNXZsVHZv1GX

if (!file_exists( 'includes/licensevalidator.php' )) {
exit( 'license validator is missing....' );

require_once( 'includes/licensevalidator.php' );

if (!empty( $acHash )) {
$toCheck = 518;

if ($acHash == md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . 'Active-Site-Validated-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) )) {
	$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'active';
	$toCheck = 517;
else {
	if ($acHash == md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-INVALID-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) )) {
		$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'invalid';
	else {
		if ($acHash == md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-EXPIRED-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) )) {
			$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'expired';
		else {
			if ($acHash == md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-SUSPENDED-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) )) {
				$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'suspended';
else {
$toCheck = 518;

if ($toCheck == 1) {
check_license( $licensekey, $localkey );
$results = ;
fopen( 'includes/licensevalidator.php', 'w' );
$fp = ;

if (!$fp) {
	exit( 'licensevalidator missing.....' );

if ($results['status'] == 'Active') {
	md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . 'Active-Site-Validated-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) );
	$md5HASH = ;
	$phpWrite = '<? $acHash = "' . $md5HASH . '"; ?>';
	fwrite( $fp, $phpWrite );
	$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'active';
else {
	if ($results['status'] == 'Invalid') {
		md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-INVALID-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) );
		$md5HASH = ;
		$phpWrite = '<? $acHash = "' . $md5HASH . '"; ?>';
		fwrite( $fp, $phpWrite );
		$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'Your License is Invalid';
	else {
		if ($results['status'] == 'Expired') {
			md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-EXPIRED-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) );
			$md5HASH = ;
			$phpWrite = '<? $acHash = "' . $md5HASH . '"; ?>';
			fwrite( $fp, $phpWrite );
			$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'Your License is Expired';
		else {
			if ($results['status'] == 'Suspended') {
				md5( date( 'Y-m-d A', strtotime( 'now' ) ) . '-SUSPENDED-For-' . urlencode( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) );
				$md5HASH = ;
				$phpWrite = '<? $acHash = "' . $md5HASH . '"; ?>';
				fwrite( $fp, $phpWrite );
				$___EZY___wbValid______ = 'Your License is Suspended';

if ($___EZY___wbValid______ != 'active') {
exit( $___EZY___wbValid______ );

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