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Livehelp - needhelp - Wordpress->Livechat intergration


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Ok in true style ive spent the last week between the WHMCS support and the Stardevelop support hoping one of them can help me first thing i did was hard code the html into the template of wordpress (failed) even tho star develop sent me the following to do to fix it:




"On your web page at http://www.vortexhost.co.uk/ You have an error on the HTML code. Please change the following lines in the HTML code. The changes I made are shown in bold text

LiveHelpSettings.server = 'www.vortexhost.co.uk/modules/';

LiveHelp.src = 'https://' + LiveHelpSettings.server + '/livehelp/scripts/jquery.livehelp.js';


After updating those lines your Live Help HTML code should look as shown below:


<!-- stardevelop.com Live Help International Copyright - All Rights Reserved //-->

<!-- BEGIN stardevelop.com Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY COPYRIGHT LINE / LINK //-->

<script type="text/javascript">


var LiveHelpSettings = {};

LiveHelpSettings.server = 'www.vortexhost.co.uk/modules/';

LiveHelpSettings.embedded = true;

(function(d, $, undefined) {

$(window).ready(function() {

var LiveHelp = d.createElement('script'); LiveHelp.type = 'text/javascript'; LiveHelp.async = true;

LiveHelp.src = 'https://' + LiveHelpSettings.server + '/livehelp/scripts/jquery.livehelp.js';

var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];

s.parentNode.insertBefore(LiveHelp, s);


})(document, jQuery);



<!-- END stardevelop.com Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY COPYRIGHT LINE / LINK //-->"




even with the repaired code this failed miserably then i install plugin from the 4.x folder (because it was ion cube encoded it didnt even register in wordpress so i have to download the 3.9 version and get the plugin from that. when i installed the plugin i made some slight amendments to make sure the errors listed above wernt there the source now looks like this:



<script type="text/javascript">

var LiveHelpSettings = {};

LiveHelpSettings.server = 'www.vortexhost.co.uk/modules';

LiveHelpSettings.embedded = true;

LiveHelpSettings.inviteTab = true;

(function($) {

$(function() {

$(window).ready(function() {

LiveHelpSettings.server = LiveHelpSettings.server.replace(/[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:\/\/|\/livehelp\/*(\/|[a-z0-9\-._~%!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]*(?![a-z0-9\-._~%!$&'()*+,;=:@]))|\/*$/g, '');

var LiveHelp = document.createElement('script'); LiveHelp.type = 'text/javascript'; LiveHelp.async = true;

LiveHelp.src = ('https://' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + LiveHelpSettings.server + '/livehelp/scripts/jquery.livehelp.min.js';

var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];

s.parentNode.insertBefore(LiveHelp, s);





<div id="956-wpf">

<!-- stardevelop.com Live Help International Copyright - All Rights Reserved //-->

<!-- BEGIN stardevelop.com Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY COPYRIGHT LINE / LINK //-->

<a class="LiveHelpButton default" href="https://www.vortexhost.co.uk"><img class="LiveHelpStatus" id="LiveHelpStatusDefault" alt="Live Help" src="https://www.vortexhost.co.uk/modules/livehelp/include/status.php" name="LiveHelpStatusDefault" border="0" /></a>

<!-- END stardevelop.com Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY COPYRIGHT LINE / LINK //--> </div>


how ever it should be noted to stop the whole theme from crashing out i had to comment out "wp_deregister_script('jquery');" as it crashed the whole site/template and ive tried with/without using a jquery updater at the moment im running 1.8.2 i think it is for jquery


now even tho its installed i can see the button and the html code when i click the button it still does .... nothing apart from add a # to the end of the domain (which ive had to change to make sure clients can get support till i can fix it) so now it redirects to the client area.....


has any one faced the above and got it working?

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