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Help with product details when using hooks


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I am writing a hook to update an external AP which is called on the ShoppingCartCheckoutCompletePage, the following $vars relate to the product purchased are made available to me via the $vars variable:

   [orderid] => 33
   [ordernumber] => 4527979924
   [invoiceid] => 33


I need to find specific details relating to the product purchased so I can update my external app accordingly and am sure their is a simple way to do this. I just cant find the information in the documentation.


Can anyone advise?


Many thanks!


   [carttpl] => verticalsteps
   [currency] => Array
           [id] => 1
           [c ode] => USD
           [prefix] => $
           [suffix] =>  USD
           [format] => 1
           [rate] => 1.00000

   [ipaddress] => 55.555.55.55
   [ajax] => 
   [numitemsincart] => 0
   [orderid] => 33
   [ordernumber] => 4527979924
   [invoiceid] => 33
   [ispaid] => 1
   [amount] => 0.01
   [paymentmethod] => paypal
   [clientdetails] => Array
           [userid] => 5
           [id] => 5
           [firstname] => Firstname
           [lastname] => Lastname
           [companyname] => 
           [email] => myemail@myisp.com
           [address1] => my address
           [address2] => 
           [city] => my city
           [state] => my state
           [postcode] => 0070
           [countrycode] => ZZ
           [country] => ZZ
           [countryname] => Country Name
           [phonecc] => 00
           [phonenumber] => 000000000
           [notes] => 
           [password] => 13e535b50a1ced7a629d386ee6291678:l%G)o
           [currency] => 1
           [defaultgateway] => 
           [cctype] => 
           [cclastfour] => 
           [securityqid] => 0
           [securityqans] => 
           [groupid] => 0
           [status] => Active
           [credit] => 0.00
           [taxexempt] => 
           [latefeeoveride] => 
           [overideduenotices] => 
           [separateinvoices] => 
           [disableautocc] => 
           [language] => 
           [lastlogin] => Date: 24/01/2013 10:48<br>IP Address: 55.555.555.555<br>Host: hostname
           [billingcid] => 0

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Reviewing the API functionality I see I can use:




However the only commands available to me via the internal API are:


$command = "getproducts";

$adminuser = "admin";

$values["gid"] = 5; //OR PID, GID, MODULE


$results = localAPI($command,$values,$adminuser);


None of which has been made available on the checkout complete page via the $vars...

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It would seem the other option would be to use:




Using any of these:

[orderid] => 33

[ordernumber] => 4527979924

[invoiceid] => 33


$command = "getorders";

$adminuser = "admin";

$values["id"] = $vars['orderid'];

$results = localAPI($command,$values,$adminuser);


I get an empty array as a result...


Anyone know what to do? I just need to know what the client has ordered... should be simple, just cant work it out.

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Ahh ok - that would explain why I cant find an API function to grab the product details.


One more question, is there a way to pass a variable to WHMCS when a client places an order? I need this to divert the customer back to the app... or should I just add a variable to the users session?

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Opting to simply pull the information our of the database... but am stumped as to how to link back to products, this is what I have to work with:


Invoice ID

Order Number

Order ID


The object is to get the ID's from the order placed and find out which products where purchased and so I am looking at the following tables:


1. tbproducts - this is where my products that I created live and my ultimate destination

2. tblorders - I have the orderID for this table and OrderNum for this table, however there are no references to the tblproducts database

3. tblinvoices - I have the InvoiceID, however their are no further references to any other table

4. tblinvoiceitems - I have the InvoiceID for this table AND the product description here BUT no ID. I could match the product description in this table to the product description in tblproducts, however this is something I am not prepared to accept as a solution... I do note a 'relid' however I am unsure what table this relates to?


Ahh, okay I have worked it out... in table tblinvoiceitems, the products I have created are listed as type: "hosting", so when I look in the tbl hosting table, I find the products that have been purchased. I guess the naming convention is due to the WHMCS having stemmed from a hosting background.


So this is my process, hope it helps others:


Create hook for: ShoppingCartCheckoutCompletePage

1. The ID from the $vars I require is: OrderID

2. Use OrderID in table tblhosting to grab the information I need





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