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Recommendations for WHMCS integration/design companies?


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I'm doing my own right now so I'm pretty familiar with it, just getting my company up and running and my sites in devel.


I had to do a full Joomla integration into WHMCS myself (header/footer.tpl) to theme it consistently, been customizing my own template as well for a better look/feel. Also writing my own order form template modeled off the feature table one with my own feature table, modified additional pages, etc.


After I get up and running and get going I plan to do a bigger overhaul.


Let me know what you were thinking and the scope, I might be able to help based on my schedule.


For the record I hate smarty, but with WHMCS it's a necessary evil!

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well, specific to our website :


1) Remove hostname requirement in the order form for our VPS's IF they select a windows template, the same for our dedicated server order forms. If possible, how will it work? We do add windows templates on occassion and would like to keep that up to date.

2) For dedicated servers and VPS order forms, we would like to have the hostname section below the template section.

3) We have our WHMCS page integrated to our wordpress blog site a little bit, and would like to have it feed at the footer of our madgenius.com/portal order forms and whatnot.

4) If possible, can we integrate our header/footer into our wordpress design? Depending on cost, this one is not required, but we have been looking at doing this.

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That all sounds pretty straight forward, basically the key to WHMCS is in both the template you have for the system and the orderform template you're using for products. All of them contain tpl files which use smarty and html and allow you customization, while the core php code is ioncubed.


1-2) should be no problem, you can easily move the section, enter in defaults, likely key off a configurable option (like window's template for example) and do some updating, even use jquery to manipulate the dom and key off events to make life easier...


3) i'm not sure I 100% understand. I tried loading Joomla into my WHMCs so I could have dynamic content, menus, modules, etc. but that caused session colision and made login not work, but I'm not sure if that's what you mean.


4) do you want to just take the HTML and put it in your wordpress site? In Joomla we have custom html modules so it's usually doable, but if there's any special css styling for example we'd need to include that (sometimes causes compatability issues with current css). This ones messy because either you need a plugin to dynamically add the CSS you'd want (if there is styling needed) or you'd just manually include it (hardcoding which is ugly).


Let me know more details and digest what I mentioned. Sorry it took so long to reply, i got a little busy.


PS. a useful tool in smarty is using {debug} and it shows you all of the information you have to use in WHMCS tpl files when making modifications.

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