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Read-only custom client field

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I've created a module that tracks some extra data about clients. I want to show this data on the client profile page in the admin area, but it has to be read-only as admins must not make changes. My first thought was to just create a custom template that displays my data as static text, but it looks like customizing the admin templates is not supported (boo - that'll make a lot of things we have planned much harder).


My next thought was to create a custom client field and only show it in the admin section. I haven't checked yet, but I assume there is some way for my module to set the value of that field. What I don't see how to do, however, is make it read-only. Is there some way to do this?



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Ah, I just found the admin templates. I missed them before, and when I found a post here telling someone else that similar modifications to the admin pages are not possible, I assumed it still held true.


It looks like I can do just what I need. Wonderful!


For anyone else looking for this functionality, here's a link to the relevant section of the docs:




Unlike the docs page about the client-area templates, this one isn't listed in the contents, making it trickier to find. But it is there, linked off the Developer Resources page.

Edited by thesba_rewilliams
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