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How to put true panel credentials for Plesk Hosting Service Welcome Mail?


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I searched the forum about the Plesk Panel news, but saw that some thinks Plesk 10/11 works fine and the others have errors and so on... The problem I am having is at the clientarea side of WHMCS.

As a client, when I order a product and register the first time, the Welcome mail and the user/pass info for Panel are fine. I can enter with them. Then buy another hosting account, and WHMCS creates another user for that product but it shouldn't. Plesk has one username / password for all the hosting accounts of one person. So, when the second/third so on... product is ordered the welcome mail for these products are not true.

There is no problem clicking the Panel Login link in the clientarea, it has the actual cridentials, but below that button the wrong username and password hangs and that is misleading my clients already.

So, can some one show me a workaround for that issue, in order to fix both clientarea and welcome mail template with the correct user/pass info?


WHMCS showed me a workaround about that but I couldn't understand how to use that at all...

Here is the answer:


The original details used to create the accounts would not be available by default when sending the new account information.


You can use the http://docs.whmcs.com/Hooks:EmailPreSend hook to create your own smarty variables to be used in the email template to display appropriate information should the user have another Plesk account already active on the same server.


You can then use these variables in your email template to display the appropriate information.



If there are people having the same issue, please post to that topic!





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