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WHMCS Migration from 4.5.1 to Stable


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I was having some problems with my WHMCS install (v. 4.5.1) and instead of doing the traditional upgrade procedure, I decided to blow it away as I was having several issues...


I deleted the directory that WHMCS was installed in (eg., "/store"), re-installed it using Softaculous (using a newly created DB) into the root dir; and, then via PHPMyAdmin, I dropped the tables that were auto-created via the install wizard, imported my backed up SQL file from the old install, changed the version number and absolute paths in the recently imported DB (I re-installed WHMCS in the root dir, so I had to remove /store/ from the absolute paths in the DB).


Everything seemed to work great... And then... I realized it didn't go nearly as smoothly as it seemed.


Now, when I go to access Clients -> View/Search Clients -> Client Record, I get "Access Denied You do not have the required permission to perform the selected operation! Action: View Clients Summary"


The same error message is shown after I create a new client and am being redirected to the new client record. After reviewing the list of Clients under "View / Search" it does not show the newly created user, so the DB cmd is not being issued due to the permissions issue.


However, if I got to Clients -> Products / Services -> {Selected Service} -> it lists the users with that service. If I click on their ID, it allows me to access the customer record.


I have tried creating a new Full Admin user and accessing the records, but received the same error message.


Also, upon importing my existing DB records, most of the data came in clean, but certain information (from what I've noticed so far, the data that was encrypted) has come in and shows as ASCII characters. With that being said, my domain registration and several other functions have broke.


Just a wild guess, I haven't looked at the changelogs yet, but I'm guessing that we changed either encryption methods or hashing in the last few minor releases... Just a theory.


Any ideas for what's causing the admin errors, or the encryption errors? The latter is easy enough to fix, but the former will be incredibly time consuming.


I'm pretty much to the point where I'm going to just blow it all away tomorrow night during a maintenance window, reinstall WHMCS from scratch, run kdiff on the new DB schema vs. existing DB schema, and selectively move data in via PHPMyAdmin, manually.


Argh, I do not want to do this manually just to get back to where I was before I borked my install.


I'd appreciate any advice, insight, or speculative ideas that you all my have to offer. Thanks!




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