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NoChex & Foreign Currencies


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This query sits somewhere between WHMCS & NoChex themselves!


NoChex only accept card payments in GBP which is a shame, but they do accept 'international payments' on their Merchant Level account. My small brain is having trouble getting around currency conversion.


To get around this GBP limitation at NoChex could I somehow configure WHMCS to handle currency-conversion so my customers paid the equivalent GBP price in USD or Euros?


What I think I'm asking is whether subscription prices could be displayed to customers in say $ but be at the correct GBP price when processed (by NoChex). WHMCS would display my product's GBP price in $ to customers choosing that currency, but perform the US > GBP conversion so the price shown would be the correct product price in GBP terms.


Got a feeling I've made this more complicated than it needs to be! ;-) I've read the WHMCS documentation on currencies but wondered if this is how I should go about things.


Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions.





Why use NoChex? Unless I'm mistaken they're about the only no-monthly-fee WHMCS-integrated payment provider who doesn't require buyers to register / setup an account as per Google & PayPal. Feel free to correct me!

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