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Upgrading to 5.1.2 - Blank Screen even with troubleshooting


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Hi everyone, I have tried troubleshooting this to no avail.


I upgraded last night from 5.0.3 to 5.1.2 following the upgrade instructions. Initially the upgrade screen didn't show, so I forced the upgrade via install/install.php. After the upgrade, the main page threw the error "install folder must be deleted" which I did, but then both the client-side and the admin side are showing blank screens.


After researching this issue, I have tried the following:

  1. Setting the folder/file permissions per the WHMCS install instructions
  2. Setting configuration.php to show errors (which it still does not)
  3. Completely emptying the cache on my side, as well as the template_c cache on the server-side
  4. Applying the minor patches to 5.1.2 that WHMCS has been releasing via the forums


Any thoughts at this point? I backed up the database prior to the upgrade, so I have the previous DB on file.


Thanks for your help!



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UPDATE: I don't have access to the PHP Configuration on the server I'm using, as this is reseller through Jaguar PC, so I doubt my edit to the config file of WHMCS to show errors is doing much.


I've sent an email requesting the error reporting be turned on, at least while I troubleshoot this.


Any other thoughts on what it could be in the mean-time?

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Did you delete the install directory after the upgrade completed, but before trying to login as an admin?


The only other thing I can think of is maybe a corrupt file or a file that didn't get uploaded (it's easy to miss one). One is typically recommended is to re-download the upgrade again, then go back through the upgrade process. Be sure after the upgrade is complete to delete the install directory (I don't know that you *didn't* do that the first time, but it's another easy thing to miss).

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Well, I did everything as instructed. Even re-uploaded the whole system.


I got my host to turn on the php reporting, and it says that index.php is corrupt. I tried Re-uploading, with no luck.


At this point I'm thinking I'm going to restore the pre-upgrade database, upload the 5.1.2 again, then try to upgrade once more. :/ Arggg.

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Well, I did everything as instructed. Even re-uploaded the whole system.


I got my host to turn on the php reporting, and it says that index.php is corrupt. I tried Re-uploading, with no luck.


At this point I'm thinking I'm going to restore the pre-upgrade database, upload the 5.1.2 again, then try to upgrade once more. :/ Arggg.


Good luck!

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I decided to revert back to 5.0.3 until WHMCS hammers out all of the issues with this "stable" release. I continue to see multiple issues that others are having, and it's not worth the headache to continue to troubleshoot and/or patch a clearly problematic version.


Loaded the 5.0.3 files and restored the backup of the 5.0.3 DB, and voila, everything works again just as it used to. Funny - that's how I would have expected the upgrade to go. :/

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I decided to revert back to 5.0.3 until WHMCS hammers out all of the issues with this "stable" release. I continue to see multiple issues that others are having, and it's not worth the headache to continue to troubleshoot and/or patch a clearly problematic version.


Loaded the 5.0.3 files and restored the backup of the 5.0.3 DB, and voila, everything works again just as it used to. Funny - that's how I would have expected the upgrade to go. :/


I agree, and that *is* how an upgrade (especially a minor one) should go. If it matters/for what it's worth, I can't recall another upgrade in the last 6 years being such a cluster****.

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I don't know if this would help, but is this new version encoded with a newer Ioncube? I'm still using 5.0.3 but, I had pruchased a module for my whmcs that worked fine. Then an upgrade to the module was released and it didn't work at all..I later discovered a newer version of ioncube was being used and had my support team update it for me on the server and that took care of the problems.

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The ioncube encoder hasn't been updated in a while, I believe March 2012 was the last time.


The ioncube loaders are updated a lot more often which are necessary to run encoded files. It may make a difference if the server you were on were updated, say a newer minor release of php or a major upgrade would definitely need new loaders, 5.2.X to 5.3.X or 5.3.X to 5.4.X

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WHMCS has always used IonCube. You should have the correct IonCube loaders for the version of PHP your server runs. Occasionally when PHP is upgraded on the server, php.ini gets overwritten with default values and points to the wrong includes directory. It's worth checking out. The loaders were just updated on 6-26-12 to include php v5.4.


IonCube Loaders Download page: http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php



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actually the file date on the ioncube loaders is June 26, 2012.

I can confirm this is in fact a loader issue. I have two installs of WHMCS on the exact same server. v5.0.3 works with the root ioncube loaders, v.5.1.2 throws a PHP error : you do not have the correct version of ioncube loaders.

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Do you by chance have a php.ini file located on your website that is overriding the server php.ini files? It's possible you are using outdated ioncube loaders on your website that is overriding the server loaders.

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