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mysql, smarty foreach loop in new client page


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I am in the process of building a new client facing page but have run into an odd issue. I have created a new table in mysql, created a new page in whmcs and in the templates. In the tpl file I use a foreach loop and it seems to always loop 20 times, even though the database entry has 1 entry in it.


Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.




define("FORCESSL",true); # Uncomment to force the page to use https://


$pagetitle = $_LANG['clientareatitle'];
$breadcrumbnav = '<a href="index.php">'.$_LANG['globalsystemname'].'</a>';
$breadcrumbnav .= ' > <a href="mypage.php">My Page</a>'; 


# To assign variables to the template system use the following syntax.
# These can then be referenced using {$variablename} in the template.

$smartyvalues["variablename"] = $value; 

# Check login status
if ($_SESSION['uid']) {

 # User is logged in - put any code you like here

 # Here's an example to get the currently logged in clients first name

 $result = mysql_query("SELECT firstname FROM tblclients WHERE id=".(int)$_SESSION['uid']);
 $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $clientname = $data[0];
 $smartyvalues["clientname"] = $clientname;

} else {

 # User is not logged in


[color="#B22222"]$results = mysql_query("SELECT `tblserversStatus` . * FROM tblhosting, tblserversStatus WHERE tblhosting.server = tblserversStatus.id and tblhosting.userid=".(int)$_SESSION['uid']);

 while ($mytype = mysql_fetch_array($results)) 
       $smartyvalues[mytype] = $mytype;

# Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension

$templatefile = "serverhealth"; 




{include file="$template/pageheader.tpl" title="Server Health" desc="Listed below is the real time status of the server(s) for your account"}
<p>These statuses come directly from our external monitoring system in real time.</p>

       <table class="zebra-striped">  

{foreach item=status from=$type} 
               <td><span class="label {$type.http}">{$type.http}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.ftp}">{$type.ftp}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.mysql}">{$type.mysql}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.pop}">{$type.pop}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.imap}">{$type.imap}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.smtp}">{$type.smtp}</span></td>
               <td><span class="label {$type.ssh}">{$type.ssh}</span></td>


Output on the page:


2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

2 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up


Export from mysql table:

Export Data from the table:

id name ipaddress http ftp mysql pop imap smtp ssh

20 tra up down unconfirmed_down unknown paused up up

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I was able to print out the array before the foreach loop and I still do not understand why its adding so many more lines.


Array ( [0] => 26 [id] => 26 [1] => tra [name] => lanzarote [2] => [ipaddress] => [3] => up [http] => up [4] => down [ftp] => down [5] => unconfirmed_down [mysql] => unconfirmed_down [6] => unknown [pop] => unknown [7] => paused [imap] => paused [8] => up [smtp] => up [9] => up [ssh] => up ) 1

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