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actionhook help InvoiceCreated


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Please kindly help with actionhook


here is my code:



function actionhook_InvoiceCreated($vars) {


$ordernumber = $vars['invoiceid'];


// $amount = $vars['amount'];

// $invoiceid = $vars['invoiceid'];

// $paymentmethod = = $vars['paymentmethod'];

// lookup relid from the invoiceid

$result = mysql_query("SELECT relid, amount FROM tblinvoiceitems WHERE type='Hosting' AND invoiceid='".$ordernumber."'");


$grab_relid = mysql_fetch_row($result);

$relid = $grab_relid[0];

$amount = $grab_relid[1];


// lookup the phone number

$result = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM tblcustomfieldsvalues WHERE fieldid='1' AND relid='".$relid."'");

$pesan="Your order information amount=$amount to activate please send PAID#$ordernumber#$amount to 06546544545";

$grab_nohp = mysql_fetch_row($result);

$nohp = $grab_nohp[0];


$var1 = "JIVE";

$var2 = "564654dsgd";

exec("/usr/bin/perl /path_to_my_perl/sendsms.pl $var1 $var1 $nohp $pesan", $output);







and below is my sendsms.pl script to send this sms


#!/usrbin/perl -w

use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);

use LWP::UserAgent;

use HTTP::Cookies;


use strict;


my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;


$ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "lwpcookies.txt",

autosave => 1));




for (my $i = 3543; $i < 4140; $i++) {



# log in to authentication page.

#my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://someurl_com/sms_info.html');


#$req->authorization_basic('admin', 'pass');


#my $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;

#print "Login to GOIP $i\n";



my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://someurl_com/sms_info.html');



$req->authorization_basic('admin', 'pass');


#my $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;

#print "SMS Sent $i\n";




my $req = POST 'http://mysms_gateway.url',

Content => ["action" => "$ARGV[0]",

"smskey" => "$ARGV[1]",

"telnum" => "$ARGV[2]",

"smscontent" => "$ARGV[3]"];





$req->authorization_basic('admin', 'password');

my $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;





i could send the sms if i just wrote this php code and execute it and sms works!




$var1 = "JIVE";

$var2 = "564654dsgd";

$var3 = "+6281361622796";

$var4 = "testing";

exec("perl /path_to_script/name.pl $var1 $var1 $var3 var4", $output);




Any help would be appreciate

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