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Display Current Currency Variable


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So I have completely customized homepage.tpl - and I have a form that works, and allows you to choose USD, CAD, and AUD currencies.


I know the form works... as the session is updated, etc as i can see on the cart that the prices have changed... however I want to display the current pricing...


i can do the basic php as far as display, modifying, accessing, etc of variables... but I just cant seem to get the value from $_SESSION, $_POST or $_GET. the form is posting "currency", but it seems that variable is lost as nothing is displayed when I call it. Yet the form works so it must have been valid/changed previously.


Any idea how i can display the value of "currency"? i might just be tired but nothing seems obvious. ive spent an hour trying various things, googling, and searching these forums. Most ive gotten seem to say $_SESSION['currency'] was valid at some point... but by the time it gets to the tpl file i believe its been destroyed...

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Have you started the session before using it. It can be a reason as well. You have to use session_start() before using $_SESSION. Another thing that you can do is printing session. You can do print_r($_SESSION) and check all the values stored in the session. If you post the code here that will clear the problem more.

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<form method="post" action="index.php"> (Change Currency: <select name="currency" onchange="submit()">
<option value="3">AUD</option>
<option value="2">CAD</option>
<option value="1" selected>USD</option>
</select> <input type="submit" value="Go" />)


Really simple script


I get no output from print_r... so i suspect that the session variable is destroyed after use... but there must be a way to access it... the encrypted WHMCS code seems to have no issues... if i use the form, whmcs gets updated... i just want to know if another variable is created that i can use, before the session variable is destroyed.


and it doesnt matter if i use session_start()... the above form works either way.


As i see it... i should be able to use either to obtain this information... but i get nothing.


echo $_SESSION['currency'];

echo $_POST['currency'];


but i believe there must be a variable declared earlier, before the tpl file is loaded, that i can access?

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Are you in a cart page? If you're on a cart page, you can reference the {$currency} smarty variable. Its an array of details regarding the currency.



Array (6)
id => 1
code => GBP
prefix => £
suffix => empty
format => 1
rate => 1.00000

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Hm... I think that was a great idea... however it doesnt seem to be working. I can accesss {$currencies} but thats just a list of all available. for example when I use {$currency.id} i get null/nothing


im not entirely sure if this page index.php/homepage.tpl is considered a cart page... is there anything i can do to initialize such a thing?

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thats a shame...


Is there a way for me to run PHP within that template file (homepage.tpl)? im really not familiar with smarty and template coding lol


I suppose i could just create my own custom index.php - im really not using anything within the index page that uses the whmcs engine - but if i were to do that, is there a way I could still load/set the whmcs session variables so that I might set the default currency?


Do the developer(s) ever answer questions here? they might have a better idea about the backend... short of us just guessing at session code/variables in encrypted code...

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Yes, you can execute PHP code within templates. simply wrap the PHP code with {php} {/php} tags.


The developers do answer questions here on occasion, but its not their first priority. However, I do understand the system quite well, and am fairly certain in what I said. You could also open a support ticket and you'll likely get a response from a developer/support person with an official answer.

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And i didnt mean to imply that i didnt trust your response. I can see you do a lot of module/addon development for the whmcs... but as the core engine is encrypted i just figured a developer might have a definitive answer haha. I think i may open a support ticket simply to answer this once and for all haha ive certainly spent way to much effort on this as it is.


Anyways, thanks for the responses...

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