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Multicraft Module - Product Setup


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Hi Everyone,


So here's situation. I have my Minecraft server provider website which links to my two Multicraft panels (USA EU). I have configured the correct settings in the "Servers" tab to work with both of these panels. I have also linked my products to their correct panel.


The problem is, is that when ever someone orders a server, the module tries to setup the server on the 'default server'. Regardless of what I tell the product to setup on, the automatic setup will always try to setup on the server that is selected to be the 'default'. As of current the server I have selected is the USA panel, which means that USA orders setup automatically fine however when someone tried to order an EU server, it tries to setup the server on the USA panel using the EU login details.


I have contacted Multicraft themselves and they said it is to with the server in which WHMCS is providing the module with.


If you have any idea how to fix this or remove the 'default server' that would be great.




Edited by Anim8r
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Do you have the servers in a "group" and the option for that group to provision a server until its full and then switch? It sounds like you just have not changed any settings regarding that in the server menu.


Thank you for your reply.

I have set up all the servers in groups with that setting you stated. Are there any hidden settings that I may have missed? As far as I know it's the 'default server' that seems to break everything.




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Under the product settings itself you can define the server a bit more, ie pick a server/group


You dont need to have them in a group if its just 1 server for x location and 1 for the other. The grouping is more for clustering management, like you had 5 cpanel servers and it would distribute new clients evenly.

Edited by tripler
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