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How to disable "only Domain registration" ?


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Please help in finding the solution to Disable "only domain registration".

I want all customer who want to register domain, must select a hosting plan, or if they try to register only domain, whmcs display an error message to them.


Awaiting for replies.


cheerz :)

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Wait, just to be clear.


You are looking to *only* offer a domain as long as they are also ordering hosting?


This will require customization of your template files. Though it is already an option to force new domain with hosting in WHMCS but I guess thats not what you want.



I tend to disagree with this though, forcing something else like that tends to make a new client frustrated more than anything.

Edited by tripler
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well I just want people to register domain if they order a hosting plan..with out hosting, whmcs just show them some error message and do not let them proceed after domain availability check...

reason is, we are offering domain registration on very lower rate and therefore we dont want to sell domain registrations without hosting.


Would you advice what changes will require in template?

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In theory it would not be that hard but I have never tried to do it, maybe someone else here has.


Have you considered doing the opposite?


Charge a regular rate for a domain name and give free hosting.. like a 500mb/1gig plan where more than likely they will need to upgrade, theres more chance for a profit and you could still advertise a bundled low rate. That way they can get more domains if they want.

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