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Creating pages


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I understand how to create pages within WHMCS from the sample code given in the documentation at http://docs.whmcs.com/Creating_Pages. The first line of code after the opening php tag is


. Could someone tell me exactly what this is doing. I mean, apart from creating a constant and setting its value. What is the constant CLIENTAREA telling the WHMCS system?


I have tried setting its value to false and also commenting out the line, but it has no apparent effect on the test pages that I have created


Thank you.

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Do a {debug} in your template file with and without that constant set. I'm willing to bet you have more smarty variables available with it set.


Thanks Frank. Good tip.


It seems strange to me, however, that the next line in the sample code

//define("FORCESSL",true); # Uncomment to force the page to use https://

is for creating a page forced to use SSL is commented when it is quite obvious what it does, but a line that isn't obvious to anyone not completely familiar with WHMCS and uses a constant called CLIENTAREA is not documented anywhere that I can find.

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