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Can't Access Login after Version 5 Upgrade


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I got hacked via a submitted ticket. After locating files and cleaning up (my host helped), changing passwords, and checking my config file, I did a DB backup and then I uploaded the version 5.0.3 files.


I then tried to access http://mydomain.com/whmcs/myadminfolder/login.php (also tried https) to run the install. As soon as the browser tries to access the login.php file, it redirects to https://mydomain.com/whmcs/install/install.php, and then gives me a 404.


I can FTP to the login.php file, and it's there....


What am I doing wrong? :(

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  FlexiHost said:
Have you tried clearing your cache and your templates_c directory on the server?


Hi -

Yes, I did both. Still a 404.


Is there a WHMCS cache directory that I should be clearing also? If so, where is it? (I cleared my browser cache, not any cache in WHMCS).


I'm thinking of wiping the whole WHMCS directory, and doing a fresh install.

My question is (forgive my inexperience, I don't do WHMCS installs every day) - if I do a fresh install from scratch, and then restore my database, my data should all be there, correct?


Thanks for your help

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Can anyone help me with these questions?

Thank you.


  munman said:


Is there a WHMCS cache directory that I should be clearing also? If so, where is it? (I cleared my browser cache, not any cache in WHMCS).


I'm thinking of wiping the whole WHMCS directory, and doing a fresh install.

My question is (forgive my inexperience, I don't do WHMCS installs every day) - if I do a fresh install from scratch, and then restore my database, my data should all be there, correct?


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Yes, that is correct, if you remove all files, while remembering to save your configuration.php file - then upload the fresh install, upload your config file, that should sort it out.


You can also empty your tempates_c directory, if you have not followed the further security steps from WHMCS, then it will be in the base of your install.

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  FlexiHost said:
Yes, that is correct, if you remove all files, while remembering to save your configuration.php file - then upload the fresh install, upload your config file, that should sort it out.

So to be clear, to do a fresh install, I would:

  1. Backup my database files
  2. Take a copy of the configuration.php file
  3. Wipe the WHMCS directory
  4. Upload the v 5.0.3 files
  5. Rename my admin folder to match my previous install ???
  6. Replace my copy of the configuration.php file
  7. Restore the database

I have a few styling mods that I would lose, but I can redo those anyway.

Any steps I'm missing?


You can also empty your tempates_c directory, if you have not followed the further security steps from WHMCS, then it will be in the base of your install.


What does "then it will be the base of your install" mean? I currently have nothing in the templates_c directory.


Thank you FlexHost!

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