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"Internal" API Usage


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Hello all,


Let me start off by saying i searched for api and it yielded no results (suppressing the flames before they begin :P)


Anyhow I am currently using whmcs in subdirectory strictly as a client portal and order staging area but my question is about the api usage. I have my site built around another framework and would like to call upon whmcs api to get some data and validation. Do I really have to open up a cURL request for every api call for whmcs that sits in a subdirectory?


I hope not as that seems like a bit much for overhead. Any ideas are welcome and thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ty laszlof for your reply, im implementing it and managed to get to get the validatelogin functioning properly. One more question on that subject, our application is built around codeignitor which is using non standard sessions. I think i have set the session data set appropriately for autologin to whmcs but its not working, any tips?

                # Set a regular $_SESSION for autologin to client area
               $_SESSION['uid'] = $de['userid'];
               $_SESSION['upw'] = $va['passwordhash'];


Thank you

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