Xify Hosting Posted October 21, 2011 Share Posted October 21, 2011 <?php function template_config() { $configarray = array( "FriendlyName" => array("Type" => "System", "Value"=>"OneBIT"), "username" => array("FriendlyName" => "Login ID", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "20", ), "transmethod" => array("FriendlyName" => "Transaction Method", "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => "Option1,Value2,Method3", ), "instructions" => array("FriendlyName" => "Payment Instructions", "Type" => "textarea", "Rows" => "5", "Description" => "Do this then do that etc...", ), "testmode" => array("FriendlyName" => "Test Mode", "Type" => "yesno", "Description" => "Tick this to test", ), ); return $configarray; } function template_link($params) { # Gateway Specific Variables $gatewayusername = $params['username']; $gatewaytestmode = $params['testmode']; # Invoice Variables $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid']; $description = $params["description"]; $amount = $params['amount']; # Format: ##.## $currency = $params['currency']; # Currency Code # Client Variables $firstname = $params['clientdetails']['firstname']; $lastname = $params['clientdetails']['lastname']; $email = $params['clientdetails']['email']; $address1 = $params['clientdetails']['address1']; $address2 = $params['clientdetails']['address2']; $city = $params['clientdetails']['city']; $state = $params['clientdetails']['state']; $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode']; $country = $params['clientdetails']['country']; $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; # System Variables $companyname = $params['companyname']; $systemurl = $params['systemurl']; $currency = $params['currency']; $pay = str_replace(".", "", "$amount"); $txidm = md5($invoiceid); # Enter your code submit to the gateway... $code = '<form action="https://www.onebip.com/otms/" method="post" target="onebip"> <input type="hidden" name="command" value="standard_pay" /> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="nukezilla@hotmail.co.uk" /> <input type="hidden" name="description" value="'.$description.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_code" value="'.$invoiceid.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$pay.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="'.$currency.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="country" value="GB" /> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="en" /> <input type="hidden" name="return_url" value="http://lunohost.com/order/viewinvoice.php?id='.$invoiceid.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://lunohost.com/order/modules/gateways/callback/callback.php" /> <input type="hidden" name="remote_txid" value="'.$txidm.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="custom[your_variable1]" value="yourvalue1" /> <input type="hidden" name="custom[your_variable2]" value="yourvalue2" /> <input type="hidden" name="custom[foo]" value="bar" /> <input type="hidden" name="customer_email" value="'.$email.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="customer_firstname" value="'.$firstname.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="customer_lastname" value="'.$lastname.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="customer_cell" value="'.$phone.'"/> <input type="hidden" name="customer_country" value="'.$country.'"/> <input type="hidden" name="logo_url" value="http://lunohost.com/image/logo.png" /> <input type="hidden" name="debug" value="true" /> <input type="image" name="submit" src="http://www.onebip.com/tools/bts/btn04.gif" alt="Pay with Onebip" border="0" /> </form>'; return $code; } function template_capture($params) { # Gateway Specific Variables $gatewayusername = $params['username']; $gatewaytestmode = $params['testmode']; # Invoice Variables $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid']; $amount = $params['amount']; # Format: ##.## $currency = $params['currency']; # Currency Code # Client Variables $firstname = $params['clientdetails']['firstname']; $lastname = $params['clientdetails']['lastname']; $email = $params['clientdetails']['email']; $address1 = $params['clientdetails']['address1']; $address2 = $params['clientdetails']['address2']; $city = $params['clientdetails']['city']; $state = $params['clientdetails']['state']; $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode']; $country = $params['clientdetails']['country']; $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; # Card Details $cardtype = $params['cardtype']; $cardnumber = $params['cardnum']; $cardexpiry = $params['cardexp']; # Format: MMYY $cardstart = $params['cardstart']; # Format: MMYY $cardissuenum = $params['cardissuenum']; # Perform Transaction Here & Generate $results Array, eg: $results = array(); $results["status"] = "success"; $results["transid"] = "12345"; # Return Results if ($results["status"]=="success") { return array("status"=>"success","transid"=>$results["transid"],"rawdata"=>$results); } elseif ($gatewayresult=="declined") { return array("status"=>"declined","rawdata"=>$results); } else { return array("status"=>"error","rawdata"=>$results); } } function template_refund($params) { # Gateway Specific Variables $gatewayusername = $params['username']; $gatewaytestmode = $params['testmode']; # Invoice Variables $transid = $params['transid']; # Transaction ID of Original Payment $amount = $params['amount']; # Format: ##.## $currency = $params['currency']; # Currency Code # Client Variables $firstname = $params['clientdetails']['firstname']; $lastname = $params['clientdetails']['lastname']; $email = $params['clientdetails']['email']; $address1 = $params['clientdetails']['address1']; $address2 = $params['clientdetails']['address2']; $city = $params['clientdetails']['city']; $state = $params['clientdetails']['state']; $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode']; $country = $params['clientdetails']['country']; $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; # Perform Refund Here & Generate $results Array, eg: $results = array(); $results["status"] = "success"; $results["transid"] = "12345"; # Return Results if ($results["status"]=="success") { return array("status"=>"success","transid"=>$results["transid"],"rawdata"=>$results); } elseif ($gatewayresult=="declined") { return array("status"=>"declined","rawdata"=>$results); } else { return array("status"=>"error","rawdata"=>$results); } } ?> here the code i'm using so far. I just cant make it say PAID on the invoice .. any idea. Hopefully i can then release this for free or one of payment of $5 once all completed 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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