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Products/Services and Download


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Hi to everyone,


is there anybody who could help me out with one question concerning Products/Services and Download?


My customers are offered a certain type of templates which get updated. Every time these templates get updated, the data file gets a new name. For example:


Customer 1,2,3…10 has bought the version V1.00 including the update for 1 year. Now there is an update available for Version 1.00,which I certainly offer for downloading to my customers as stipulated.


That is how I proceed:


Under the category Products/Services this new update has to be included so that every customer is able to download this new update.


It is quite comprehendable so far.


Now I would like to offer my new customers (customer 11,12 and so on) the Version V1.01 instantly and not the Version 1.00, including all the updates which will be gradually compiled here.


Who could give me some food for thought what the best way for me is to put all the above-mentioned into effect?


Thanks in advance…

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi to everyone,


is there anybody who could help me out with one question concerning Products/Services and Download?


My customers are offered a certain type of templates which get updated. Every time these templates get updated, the data file gets a new name. For example:


Customer 1,2,3…10 has bought the version V1.00 including the update for 1 year. Now there is an update available for Version 1.00,which I certainly offer for downloading to my customers as stipulated.


That is how I proceed:


Under the category Products/Services this new update has to be included so that every customer is able to download this new update.


It is quite comprehendable so far.


Now I would like to offer my new customers (customer 11,12 and so on) the Version V1.01 instantly and not the Version 1.00, including all the updates which will be gradually compiled here.


Who could give me some food for thought what the best way for me is to put all the above-mentioned into effect?


Thanks in advance…


I have a similar issue. Are you found a solution?


Thanks in advance…

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I have a similar issue. Are you found a solution?


Thanks in advance…


As I stated above - all you need to do is upload the new version and then apply it to the product in question.


All clients with an active order for said product will be able to access the download.

Edited by Alistair
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I want to implement scheme:

1. A customer purchases the product with the updates service and can download packages/patches throughout the year.

2. On the expiration of updates service the new packages/patches should not be available for download. Previous packages/patches should be available for download.

3. The customer purchases an additional year of updates service. And then all the packages/patches become available for download.


Is there any solution?


Thanks in advance…

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I want to implement scheme:

1. A customer purchases the product with the updates service and can download packages/patches throughout the year.

2. On the expiration of updates service the new packages/patches should not be available for download. Previous packages/patches should be available for download.

3. The customer purchases an additional year of updates service. And then all the packages/patches become available for download.


Is there any solution?


Thanks in advance…


You would use a Product Addon to achieve this.

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Dear Alistair,


I added product addon "updates" with associated downloads. In admin area I added the addon "updates" with status "Active" to client product. Now In front end i see all downloads associated with product.


When i change the addon staus to Terminated and then add a new associated download "NEWversion" i expected to see all previos downloads but not new one. I see NEWversion in download section.


What i must do for hide new associated download while addon in not Active state?

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