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Billable Items not added to Products and Services


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Hi All


WHMCS 4.4.2.


If we add a hosting package or some such to a client's account as a billable item why doesn't it then appear under their products and services?


For example we've a VPS Hosting Product set up. Rather than put this through as an Order it's been added as a billable item along with some other stuff.


However it now doesn't appear as a VPS under the customer's Products and Services. This makes it impossible to see what products and services a customer really has because items they've paid for as billable items don't appear under their Products and Services. This can be very misleading.


Is there a way to correct this?





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Hi Scurrell


Thanks for your reply; but I have to ask why not?


We supply VPS servers specifically tailored for a customer's needs; thus each VPS has a different configuration and price. If we didn't use billable items for these we'd need to create a new product for every customer.


As these aren't fixed products it seems that billable items is the most flexible way to handle these; but when our accounts department looks at a client's summary they're not represented at all on the page making it impossible to see at a glance exactly what a client has purchased.





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