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Admin Email Notification Sending Failed


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I have searched around for hours now and can't solve this issue.

I am trying to do a fresh install on a dedicated server. When the system attempts to send an e-mail using Gmail, I get an error.

I have tried changing the settings and nothing works.

I am running WHMCS v4.4.2

Please see the following:


Mail Type: SMTP

SMTP Port: 587

SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Username: ********

SMTP Pass: *********




Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - Language string failed to load: tls
SMTP server error:

(Subject: WHMCS StarGate Domain Synchronization Report)


Mail Type: SMTP

SMTP Port: 465

SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Username: ********

SMTP Pass: *********




Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. (Subject: WHMCS StarGate Domain Synchronization Report)


Mail Type: SMTP

SMTP Port: 465

SMTP Host: ssl://smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Username: ********

SMTP Pass: *********

SMTP SSL Type: None



Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. (Subject: WHMCS StarGate Domain Synchronization Report)


Mail Type: SMTP

SMTP Port: 587

SMTP Host: tls://smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Username: ********

SMTP Pass: *********

SMTP SSL Type: None



Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. (Subject: WHMCS StarGate Domain Synchronization Report)


Mail Type: PHP Mail()

SMTP Port: 587

SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Username: ********

SMTP Pass: *********

SMTP SSL Type: tls



Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - Could not instantiate mail function. (Subject: WHMCS StarGate Domain Synchronization Report)


I am lost here. No idea what to do.

Please help!!


I really appreciate any help I can get.

Thank you in advance,


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