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licensing addon


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I bought the licensing addon a while back and I can't seem to find where I download it from again.


I need to see the example files to create an encrypted file as there's not very many resources that clearly tell you step by step. There are tutorials but they miss too much out to be useful. Also I don't have the check_sample_code.php to follow the tutorials.


Any help would be great.



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Ok I found it in my client area... took a while.


I have followed the guide and encrypted the files using ioncube web encoder with php 5 selected. I have php5 on my server and ioncube is running or whmcs wouldn't be.


For some reason when I run the script it just displays the encrypted string after the ?> what am I doing wrong here?


I'll just add that the WHMCS domain is using an SSL.

Edited by rosscoD
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