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Help with sub account field


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Hi all I am stuck on somthing.


On the clientaddcontact.tpl I am trying to make the following code


<tr class='fieldarea'>


<td><input type="checkbox" name="subaccount" id="subaccount"{if $subaccount} checked{/if} /> <label for="subaccount">{$LANG.subaccountactivatedesc}</label></td>



display one color when the check box is unchecked and another when it is checked


I already have my CSS classes and the java script in place and working on the rest of the sub account fields


but to make the alternating table row colors corect when the checkbox is checked and uncheked I need to add some sort of {if statement} but dont know what to use as the {if statement} I have tried everything i can think off but nothing works.


can anyone tell me what statement to use for the following


If the box is checked then display

<tr class='subaccountfields'>


<td><input type="checkbox" name="subaccount" id="subaccount"{if $subaccount} checked{/if} /> <label for="subaccount">{$LANG.subaccountactivatedesc}</label></td>



If the box is unchecked then display

<tr class='subaccountfileds2'>


<td><input type="checkbox" name="subaccount" id="subaccount"{if $subaccount} checked{/if} /> <label for="subaccount">{$LANG.subaccountactivatedesc}</label></td>



I am aware that because of the javascript I canot assign a subaccountfileds class to that row otherwise it would hide that row aswell, BUT if I know the corect {if statement} to use on the row I can assign two new classes



Edited by nay27uk
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Hi James.

Unfotunatly this didnt work my friend I even tried changing the code around to the following but nothing seems to do what I want. So I welcome any other ideas.


This is what I have tried bearing in mind I have now added new classes to the CSS so as they dont colide with the javascript


<tr class='subaccountfields{if $subaccount}3{/if}'>


<tr class='subaccountfields3{if $subaccount}subaccountfields4{/if}'>


<tr class='{if $subaccount}subaccountfields3 {else} subaccountfields4{/if}'> this one stops the page loading


<tr class='{if $subaccount}subaccountfields3 {else if} subaccountfields4{/if}'>

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