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[NOT A BUG] DNS Host Records Manager

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We use NetEarth as our Domain Registrar, so when a client is logged in the client area, if he/she chooses to lauch the DNS Manager he/she gets the following error:


[r3] Error Message: Please provide valid login Credentials.Invalid Login Credentials.


This is because the password within the WHMCS is not the same with the one created in the NEO Reseller Panel when customer signs up. These two passwords should be synchronized so clients can easily login to the DNS Manager or the Email Forwarding Manager.

Edited by pinarthost
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We have been finding the cause of this issue for a lot of users is that they haven't authorized their servers IP with ResellerClub's new IP restricted API system which is causing the automated login to fail even when the login details are correct. To authorize your IP you need to do the following:


1. Login to your account via the ResellerClub control panel

2. Go to Settings -> API -> HTTP API

3. Register the IP address of the server where WHMCS is installed


@JLHC: No the emails won't sync automatically but the client has a login to both systems so can update it in both places.



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The DNS Host Record Management feature is working for some users so we don't believe there's any issues with it.


You just need to double check your configuration in Setup > Domain Registrars (common mistakes are incorrect Reseller/Parent IDs or trailing spaces in fields), ensure your IP has been allowed on ResellerClubs new API Restrictions Area, and ensure that the domain is registered with the DNS Management feature enabled or has had it activated manually inside the ResellerClub control panel. Please also note it doesn't work in test mode.



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  • 2 months later...

The existing functionality does work, but it is far from ideal what with having to reset a users password and send them to ResellerClub's interface and all. The most common issue is a firewall or allowed IPs problem we're finding if you find it still doesn't work after all of the troubleshooting tips above.


But we now have a module for ResellerClub's new API that we're beta testing currently and so I would suggest waiting for that which allows for DNS Management directly from the client area itself.



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