tomdchi Posted November 17, 2010 Share Posted November 17, 2010 (edited) I saw the addon posted in the official addons for this but I found one that is complete with many more countries. Features: if a country is chosen but there are no states/regions then the form will show a regular text box This uses the abbreviation value in the post back to the form instead of the full country name. This is very important at least in the US where many payment gateways want the two letter abbreviation. Create a file and paste the code below and name it country_state_dropdown.js Put this file into includes/jscript directory. <!-- Paste this code into an external JavaScript file --> /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source :: Created by: Down Home Consulting :: */ /* Country State Drop Downs v1.0. (c) Copyright 2005 Down Home Consulting, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, itness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. */ // If you have PHP you can set the post values like this //var postState = '<?= $_POST["state"] ?>'; //var postCountry = '<?= $_POST["country"] ?>'; var postState = ''; var postCountry = ''; // State table // // To edit the list, just delete a line or add a line. Order is important. // The order displayed here is the order it appears on the drop down. // var state = '\ US:AK:Alaska|\ US:AL:Alabama|\ US:AR:Arkansas|\ US:AS:American Samoa|\ US:AZ:Arizona|\ US:CA:California|\ US:CO:Colorado|\ US:CT:Connecticut|\ US:DC:D.C.|\ US:DE:Delaware|\ US:FL:Florida|\ US:FM:Micronesia|\ US:GA:Georgia|\ US:GU:Guam|\ US:HI:Hawaii|\ US:IA:Iowa|\ US:ID:Idaho|\ US:IL:Illinois|\ US:IN:Indiana|\ US:KS:Kansas|\ US:KY:Kentucky|\ US:LA:Louisiana|\ US:MA:Massachusetts|\ US:MD:Maryland|\ US:ME:Maine|\ US:MH:Marshall Islands|\ US:MI:Michigan|\ US:MN:Minnesota|\ US:MO:Missouri|\ US:MP:Marianas|\ US:MS:Mississippi|\ US:MT:Montana|\ US:NC:North Carolina|\ US:ND:North Dakota|\ US:NE:Nebraska|\ US:NH:New Hampshire|\ US:NJ:New Jersey|\ US:NM:New Mexico|\ US:NV:Nevada|\ US:NY:New York|\ US:OH:Ohio|\ US:OK:Oklahoma|\ US:OR:Oregon|\ US:PA:Pennsylvania|\ US:PR:Puerto Rico|\ US:PW:Palau|\ US:RI:Rhode Island|\ US:SC:South Carolina|\ US:SD:South Dakota|\ US:TN:Tennessee|\ US:TX:Texas|\ US:UT:Utah|\ US:VA:Virginia|\ US:VI:Virgin Islands|\ US:VT:Vermont|\ US:WA:Washington|\ US:WI:Wisconsin|\ US:WV:West Virginia|\ US:WY:Wyoming|\ US:AA:Military Americas|\ US:AE:Military Europe/ME/Canada|\ US:AP:Military Pacific|\ CA:AB:Alberta|\ CA:MB:Manitoba|\ CA:AB:Alberta|\ CA:BC:British Columbia|\ CA:MB:Manitoba|\ CA:NB:New Brunswick|\ CA:NL:Newfoundland and Labrador|\ CA:NS:Nova Scotia|\ CA:NT:Northwest Territories|\ CA:NU:Nunavut|\ CA:ON:Ontario|\ CA:PE:Prince Edward Island|\ CA:QC:Quebec|\ CA:SK:Saskatchewan|\ CA:YT:Yukon Territory|\ AU:AAT:Australian Antarctic Territory|\ AU:ACT:Australian Capital Territory|\ AU:NT:Northern Territory|\ AU:NSW:New South Wales|\ AU:QLD:Queensland|\ AU:SA:South Australia|\ AU:TAS:Tasmania|\ AU:VIC:Victoria|\ AU:WA:Western Australia|\ BR:AC:Acre|\ BR:AL:Alagoas|\ BR:AM:Amazonas|\ BR:AP:Amapa|\ BR:BA:Baia|\ BR:CE:Ceara|\ BR:DF:Distrito Federal|\ BR:ES:Espirito Santo|\ BR:FN:Fernando de Noronha|\ BR:GO:Goias|\ BR:MA:Maranhao|\ BR:MG:Minas Gerais|\ BR:MS:Mato Grosso do Sul|\ BR:MT:Mato Grosso|\ BR:PA:Para|\ BR:PB:Paraiba|\ BR:PE:Pernambuco|\ BR:PI:Piaui|\ BR:PR:Parana|\ BR:RJ:Rio de Janeiro|\ BR:RN:Rio Grande do Norte|\ BR:RO:Rondonia|\ BR:RR:Roraima|\ BR:RS:Rio Grande do Sul|\ BR:SC:Santa Catarina|\ BR:SE:Sergipe|\ BR:SP:Sao Paulo|\ BR:TO:Tocatins|\ NL:DR:Drente|\ NL:FL:Flevoland|\ NL:FR:Friesland|\ NL:GL:Gelderland|\ NL:GR:Groningen|\ NL:LB:Limburg|\ NL:NB:Noord Brabant|\ NL:NH:Noord Holland|\ NL:OV:Overijssel|\ NL:UT:Utrecht|\ NL:ZH:Zuid Holland|\ NL:ZL:Zeeland|\ UK:AVON:Avon|\ UK:BEDS:Bedfordshire|\ UK:BERKS:Berkshire|\ UK:BUCKS:Buckinghamshire|\ UK:CAMBS:Cambridgeshire|\ UK:CHESH:Cheshire|\ UK:CLEVE:Cleveland|\ UK:CORN:Cornwall|\ UK:CUMB:Cumbria|\ UK:DERBY:Derbyshire|\ UK:DEVON:Devon|\ UK:DORSET:Dorset|\ UK:DURHAM:Durham|\ UK:ESSEX:Essex|\ UK:GLOUS:Gloucestershire|\ UK:GLONDON:Greater London|\ UK:GMANCH:Greater Manchester|\ UK:HANTS:Hampshire|\ UK:HERWOR:Hereford & Worcestershire|\ UK:HERTS:Hertfordshire|\ UK:HUMBER:Humberside|\ UK:IOM:Isle of Man|\ UK:IOW:Isle of Wight|\ UK:KENT:Kent|\ UK:LANCS:Lancashire|\ UK:LEICS:Leicestershire|\ UK:LINCS:Lincolnshire|\ UK:MERSEY:Merseyside|\ UK:NORF:Norfolk|\ UK:NHANTS:Northamptonshire|\ UK:NTHUMB:Northumberland|\ UK:NOTTS:Nottinghamshire|\ UK:OXON:Oxfordshire|\ UK:SHROPS:Shropshire|\ UK:SOM:Somerset|\ UK:STAFFS:Staffordshire|\ UK:SUFF:Suffolk|\ UK:SURREY:Surrey|\ UK:SUSS:Sussex|\ UK:WARKS:Warwickshire|\ UK:WMID:West Midlands|\ UK:WILTS:Wiltshire|\ UK:YORK:Yorkshire|\ EI:CO ANTRIM:County Antrim|\ EI:CO ARMAGH:County Armagh|\ EI:CO DOWN:County Down|\ EI:CO FERMANAGH:County Fermanagh|\ EI:CO DERRY:County Londonderry|\ EI:CO TYRONE:County Tyrone|\ EI:CO CAVAN:County Cavan|\ EI:CO DONEGAL:County Donegal|\ EI:CO MONAGHAN:County Monaghan|\ EI:CO DUBLIN:County Dublin|\ EI:CO CARLOW:County Carlow|\ EI:CO KILDARE:County Kildare|\ EI:CO KILKENNY:County Kilkenny|\ EI:CO LAOIS:County Laois|\ EI:CO LONGFORD:County Longford|\ EI:CO LOUTH:County Louth|\ EI:CO MEATH:County Meath|\ EI:CO OFFALY:County Offaly|\ EI:CO WESTMEATH:County Westmeath|\ EI:CO WEXFORD:County Wexford|\ EI:CO WICKLOW:County Wicklow|\ EI:CO GALWAY:County Galway|\ EI:CO MAYO:County Mayo|\ EI:CO LEITRIM:County Leitrim|\ EI:CO ROSCOMMON:County Roscommon|\ EI:CO SLIGO:County Sligo|\ EI:CO CLARE:County Clare|\ EI:CO CORK:County Cork|\ EI:CO KERRY:County Kerry|\ EI:CO LIMERICK:County Limerick|\ EI:CO TIPPERARY:County Tipperary|\ EI:CO WATERFORD:County Waterford|\ '; // Country data table // // To edit the list, just delete a line or add a line. Order is important. // The order displayed here is the order it appears on the drop down. // var country = '\ AF:Afghanistan|\ AL:Albania|\ DZ:Algeria|\ AS:American Samoa|\ AD:Andorra|\ AO:Angola|\ AI:Anguilla|\ AQ:Antarctica|\ AG:Antigua and Barbuda|\ AR:Argentina|\ AM:Armenia|\ AW:Aruba|\ AU:Australia|\ AT:Austria|\ AZ:Azerbaijan|\ AP:Azores|\ BS:Bahamas|\ BH:Bahrain|\ BD:Bangladesh|\ BB:Barbados|\ BY:Belarus|\ BE:Belgium|\ BZ:Belize|\ BJ:Benin|\ BM:Bermuda|\ BT:Bhutan|\ BO:Bolivia|\ BA:Bosnia And Herzegowina|\ XB:Bosnia-Herzegovina|\ BW:Botswana|\ BV:Bouvet Island|\ BR:Brazil|\ IO:British Indian Ocean Territory|\ VG:British Virgin Islands|\ BN:Brunei Darussalam|\ BG:Bulgaria|\ BF:Burkina Faso|\ BI:Burundi|\ KH:Cambodia|\ CM:Cameroon|\ CA:Canada|\ CV:Cape Verde|\ KY:Cayman Islands|\ CF:Central African Republic|\ TD:Chad|\ CL:Chile|\ CN:China|\ CX:Christmas Island|\ CC:Cocos (Keeling) Islands|\ CO:Colombia|\ KM:Comoros|\ CG:Congo|\ CD:Congo, The Democratic Republic O|\ CK:Cook Islands|\ XE:Corsica|\ CR:Costa Rica|\ CI:Cote d` Ivoire (Ivory Coast)|\ HR:Croatia|\ CU:Cuba|\ CY:Cyprus|\ CZ:Czech Republic|\ DK:Denmark|\ DJ:Djibouti|\ DM:Dominica|\ DO:Dominican Republic|\ TP:East Timor|\ EC:Ecuador|\ EG:Egypt|\ SV:El Salvador|\ GQ:Equatorial Guinea|\ ER:Eritrea|\ EE:Estonia|\ ET:Ethiopia|\ FK:Falkland Islands (Malvinas)|\ FO:Faroe Islands|\ FJ:Fiji|\ FI:Finland|\ FR:France (Includes Monaco)|\ FX:France, Metropolitan|\ GF:French Guiana|\ PF:French Polynesia|\ TA:French Polynesia (Tahiti)|\ TF:French Southern Territories|\ GA:Gabon|\ GM:Gambia|\ GE:Georgia|\ DE:Germany|\ GH:Ghana|\ GI:Gibraltar|\ GR:Greece|\ GL:Greenland|\ GD:Grenada|\ GP:Guadeloupe|\ GU:Guam|\ GT:Guatemala|\ GN:Guinea|\ GW:Guinea-Bissau|\ GY:Guyana|\ HT:Haiti|\ HM:Heard And Mc Donald Islands|\ VA:Holy See (Vatican City State)|\ HN:Honduras|\ HK:Hong Kong|\ HU:Hungary|\ IS:Iceland|\ IN:India|\ ID:Indonesia|\ IR:Iran|\ IQ:Iraq|\ IE:Ireland|\ EI:Ireland (Eire)|\ IL:Israel|\ IT:Italy|\ JM:Jamaica|\ JP:Japan|\ JO:Jordan|\ KZ:Kazakhstan|\ KE:Kenya|\ KI:Kiribati|\ KP:Korea, Democratic People\'S Repub|\ KW:Kuwait|\ KG:Kyrgyzstan|\ LA:Laos|\ LV:Latvia|\ LB:Lebanon|\ LS:Lesotho|\ LR:Liberia|\ LY:Libya|\ LI:Liechtenstein|\ LT:Lithuania|\ LU:Luxembourg|\ MO:Macao|\ MK:Macedonia|\ MG:Madagascar|\ ME:Madeira Islands|\ MW:Malawi|\ MY:Malaysia|\ MV:Maldives|\ ML:Mali|\ MT:Malta|\ MH:Marshall Islands|\ MQ:Martinique|\ MR:Mauritania|\ MU:Mauritius|\ YT:Mayotte|\ MX:Mexico|\ FM:Micronesia, Federated States Of|\ MD:Moldova, Republic Of|\ MC:Monaco|\ MN:Mongolia|\ MS:Montserrat|\ MA:Morocco|\ MZ:Mozambique|\ MM:Myanmar (Burma)|\ NA:Namibia|\ NR:Nauru|\ NP:Nepal|\ NL:Netherlands|\ AN:Netherlands Antilles|\ NC:New Caledonia|\ NZ:New Zealand|\ NI:Nicaragua|\ NE:Niger|\ NG:Nigeria|\ NU:Niue|\ NF:Norfolk Island|\ MP:Northern Mariana Islands|\ NO:Norway|\ OM:Oman|\ PK:Pakistan|\ PW:Palau|\ PS:Palestinian Territory, Occupied|\ PA:Panama|\ PG:Papua New Guinea|\ PY:Paraguay|\ PE:Peru|\ PH:Philippines|\ PN:Pitcairn|\ PL:Poland|\ PT:Portugal|\ PR:Puerto Rico|\ QA:Qatar|\ RE:Reunion|\ RO:Romania|\ RU:Russian Federation|\ RW:Rwanda|\ KN:Saint Kitts And Nevis|\ SM:San Marino|\ ST:Sao Tome and Principe|\ SA:Saudi Arabia|\ SN:Senegal|\ XS:Serbia-Montenegro|\ SC:Seychelles|\ SL:Sierra Leone|\ SG:Singapore|\ SK:Slovak Republic|\ SI:Slovenia|\ SB:Solomon Islands|\ SO:Somalia|\ ZA:South Africa|\ GS:South Georgia And The South Sand|\ KR:South Korea|\ ES:Spain|\ LK:Sri Lanka|\ NV:St. Christopher and Nevis|\ SH:St. Helena|\ LC:St. Lucia|\ PM:St. Pierre and Miquelon|\ VC:St. Vincent and the Grenadines|\ SD:Sudan|\ SR:Suriname|\ SJ:Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands|\ SZ:Swaziland|\ SE:Sweden|\ CH:Switzerland|\ SY:Syrian Arab Republic|\ TW:Taiwan|\ TJ:Tajikistan|\ TZ:Tanzania|\ TH:Thailand|\ TG:Togo|\ TK:Tokelau|\ TO:Tonga|\ TT:Trinidad and Tobago|\ XU:Tristan da Cunha|\ TN:Tunisia|\ TR:Turkey|\ TM:Turkmenistan|\ TC:Turks and Caicos Islands|\ TV:Tuvalu|\ UG:Uganda|\ UA:Ukraine|\ AE:United Arab Emirates|\ UK:United Kingdom|\ GB:Great Britain|\ US:United States|\ UM:United States Minor Outlying Isl|\ UY:Uruguay|\ UZ:Uzbekistan|\ VU:Vanuatu|\ XV:Vatican City|\ VE:Venezuela|\ VN:Vietnam|\ VI:Virgin Islands (U.S.)|\ WF:Wallis and Furuna Islands|\ EH:Western Sahara|\ WS:Western Samoa|\ YE:Yemen|\ YU:Yugoslavia|\ ZR:Zaire|\ ZM:Zambia|\ ZW:Zimbabwe|\ '; function TrimString(sInString) { if ( sInString ) { sInString = sInString.replace( /^\s+/g, "" );// strip leading return sInString.replace( /\s+$/g, "" );// strip trailing } } // Populates the country selected with the counties from the country list function populateCountry(defaultCountry) { if ( postCountry != '' ) { defaultCountry = postCountry; } var countryLineArray = country.split('|'); // Split into lines var selObj = document.getElementById('countrySelect'); selObj.options[0] = new Option('Select Country',''); selObj.selectedIndex = 0; for (var loop = 0; loop < countryLineArray.length; loop++) { lineArray = countryLineArray[loop].split(':'); countryCode = TrimString(lineArray[0]); countryName = TrimString(lineArray[1]); if ( countryCode != '' ) { selObj.options[loop + 1] = new Option(countryName, countryCode); } if ( defaultCountry == countryCode ) { selObj.selectedIndex = loop + 1; } } } function populateState() { var selObj = document.getElementById('stateSelect'); var foundState = false; // Empty options just in case new drop down is shorter if ( selObj.type == 'select-one' ) { for (var i = 0; i < selObj.options.length; i++) { selObj.options[i] = null; } selObj.options.length=null; selObj.options[0] = new Option('Select State',''); selObj.selectedIndex = 0; } // Populate the drop down with states from the selected country var stateLineArray = state.split("|"); // Split into lines var optionCntr = 1; for (var loop = 0; loop < stateLineArray.length; loop++) { lineArray = stateLineArray[loop].split(":"); countryCode = TrimString(lineArray[0]); stateCode = TrimString(lineArray[1]); stateName = TrimString(lineArray[2]); if (document.getElementById('countrySelect').value == countryCode && countryCode != '' ) { // If it's a input element, change it to a select if ( selObj.type == 'text' ) { parentObj = document.getElementById('stateSelect').parentNode; parentObj.removeChild(selObj); var inputSel = document.createElement("SELECT"); inputSel.setAttribute("name","state"); inputSel.setAttribute("id","stateSelect"); parentObj.appendChild(inputSel) ; selObj = document.getElementById('stateSelect'); selObj.options[0] = new Option('Select State',''); selObj.selectedIndex = 0; } if ( stateCode != '' ) { selObj.options[optionCntr] = new Option(stateName, stateCode); } // See if it's selected from a previous post if ( stateCode == postState && countryCode == postCountry ) { selObj.selectedIndex = optionCntr; } foundState = true; optionCntr++ } } // If the country has no states, change the select to a text box if ( ! foundState ) { parentObj = document.getElementById('stateSelect').parentNode; parentObj.removeChild(selObj); // Create the Input Field var inputEl = document.createElement("INPUT"); inputEl.setAttribute("id", "stateSelect"); inputEl.setAttribute("type", "text"); inputEl.setAttribute("name", "state"); inputEl.setAttribute("size", 20); inputEl.setAttribute("value", postState); parentObj.appendChild(inputEl) ; } } function initCountry(country) { populateCountry(country); populateState(); } Put this at top of tpl with the form <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jscript/country_state_dropdown.js"></script> This could be used in clientregister.tpl, creditcard.tpl, and/or orderforms/viewcart.tpl. Inside of tpl replace the code for the text box with: Country <td><select id="countrySelect" name="country" onchange="populateState();"></select></td> State/Region <td><select id="stateSelect" name="state"></select> {literal}<script type="text/javascript">initCountry('US');</script>{/literal}</td> The code above can have the default country set. In the case above it is set for US so this is where the form will start when the form is first accessed. Edit .js file to add more countries Edited November 17, 2010 by tomdchi 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zamrg Posted November 24, 2010 Share Posted November 24, 2010 I haven't had a thorough look but my first impression is, it's client side, so any validation that's done in js can be skipped by someone wanting to pass malicious data. I haven't tried POSTING an invalid country directly to the registration handler but I'd guess that one of it's validation checks is that the 2 country char you send must be in a defined array of countries. Have you tried selecting a country that isn't in WHMCS but is in the javascript array? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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