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2Checkout.com and currencies


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I have set my WHMCS up so it is possible to change currency according to the visitor’s desire. I offer payment by PayPal and 2Checkout. When people uses2Checkout it takes the amount they were going to pay in the currency they had choose and displays the same amount in EURO. With PayPal it change the currency according to the one they had selected.

Can 2Checkout only handle one currency? Or am I doing something wrong?

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2checkout change the currency according to location of buyer and it also changes acceptable credit card type according to buyer location.

Location is determined by !P in this case.


The problems is (example)

I charge $100 for a product - the customer wants it do be displayed in DKK (100 USD is about 600 DKK) when checking out with 2Checkout - it now thinks that the 600 DKK is USD and converts it to DKK (my country) and charge me 3.600 DKK - it was not the ideá - but perhaps I cannot use 2Checkout with several currencies?

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