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New Flash Tutorial Integration option from DemoWolf


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I want to get some input from the WHMCS community... those of you who offer Flash tutorials as a means of support to your customers.


We've been working hard the last few months on a completely new Tutorial Delivery System making it as easy as possible to integrate our DemoWolf tutorials into your website... with minimal work on your end. The new system was launched late last week, and is heavily integrated with WHMCS as our new billing, knowledgebase and support system.


The NEXT PHASE will be creating a new integration option for WHMCS. That is, after generating your tutorials (adding your logo to them), instead of creating your own web pages for the tutorials or even building a tutorials page for WHMCS, we'll have the following options:


1. Automatically generate a tutorials page with all tutorial links pre-built, based on the tutorials you have;

2. Create an importer, so you'll be able to import your tutorials into WHMCS... each tutorial being it's own article;

3. Create an importer, so you'll be able to import your tutorials into WHMCS... each tutorial series being it's own article.


With these options, we plan on integrating the "ColorBox" we use on our website and which is available in our Tutorial Viewer.... and have it so it's integrated with WHMCS as well. In fact, all options we have for our Tutorial Viewer, we plan on having those available from within the WHMCS knowledgebase as well. You can see these options here:



More information on the new system can be found here:



ANYWAYS... what I want to know from you, is are we on the right track with the WHMCS integration? Are there other options you want to see included? How do you ideally want to be able to integrate your Flash tutorials with your WHMCS knowledgebase?


Any/all suggestions welcome.




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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE: The WHMCS Integration and Importer is now complete!


All those WHMCS users who want to have DemoWolf tutorials seamlessly integrated into their WHMCS system, we now have 2 scripts available to you... an integration script and an importer script.


Integration Script:

This option will create a Video Tutorials section in your main WHMCS page, that when clicked, will take your viewers directly to a page dedicated to displaying your tutorials. It is integrated with WHMCS so that the look/feel matches the look/feel of your WHMCS pages.


Importer Script:

In addition, WHMCS users who are DemoWolf clients can also choose to use the new WHMCS Importer. What it does is imports all your DemoWolf tutorials (which could be thousands!) and creates a knowledgebase article for each one. It also creates a knowledegebase article for each tutorial series. It also allows you to edit each article and include your own text along with the tutorial(s).


These scripts are available for free to all DemoWolf customers, whether you're a purchaser of our tutorials or subscribe to our tutorial service. Even past DemoWolf clients have access to these new scripts.... but will have to contact us to get added to our new system before getting the access (the scripts are only available from within the new system).


More complete information, go to;



If you have any questions, or think anything could be done to improve these, just let me know.





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