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Website integration?



Hello Everyone,


I am new to WHMCS and don't know how it works exactly. I have an idea, however I don't understand some technical stuff talked about...


How does WHMCS work?


Does it integrate into your website fully or partially?


I am not sure if WHMCS will do the following, however this is what I am looking for:


-Customer goes on my website, finds a hosting plan they want to order and click "order now"

-Customer to enter their domain - customer info and billing info

-After payment is approved, the account is automatically setup through WHM / CPANEL and login details are sent to their email using the templates I customized

-During that time, all the information they entered is stored in the back admin end and billed on a monthly basis, automatically

-All this software should be able to integrate into my current layout so it doesn't seem they're re-directed to another website or other services...


If WHMCS can do this, how easy is it to set it all up?


If its a bit complex, can I pay WHMCS or some members here to do this for me?


Thanks in advance for your guys help.


Would be cool if someone can also help me add domain reseller and SSL reseller this way my customers can get that through me too. Heard of resellerclub, however if you know any others, let me know, thanks.



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You've hit a gold mine here, Steven.


WHMCS can do all of the above that you mentioned and much more. WHMCS can automatically create accounts upon payment or even straight away if you wish to provide free accounts, it's totally up to you. You'll be able to configure every aspect to your liking. Take it for a test drive for 15 days or take a look at the Demo!


With regards to customizing how the client areas look (even ordering forms) can be done also so you can have it match your current website. You wouldn't need to pay anyone to set it up for you to be honest - it's much more easier than you think. Once you've got it installed, you can configure the settings yourself, and of course the Support is always on hand if you need it.

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I'm in the middle of customizing my second WHMCS install on a second site. It's simple to integrate it fully into a site design. When I did the first one it took some time to get the hang of it but with all the documentation and helpful support, it's not that difficult. Take your time with it and you'll see it has everything you need!


And this is a web designer talking, not a hardcore techie :)

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How does WHMCS work?

I am not sure if WHMCS will do the following, however this is what I am looking for:


-After payment is approved, the account is automatically setup through WHM / CPANEL and login details are sent to their email using the templates I customized



eglobal 84 at gmail dot com


Hi Steven,

regarding that point, it may be worth clarifying the 'automatically' part.

See thread here:


Originally Posted by John View Post

Orders always have to be manually approved, even if the product is automatically provisioned on the server/domain registered.


There isn't an option to automate this. The point of accepting the orders is so that you can keep track of all the new orders you receive.


Hope that helps,


- Vince

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