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Everything posted by rycardo74

  1. hi Im use some jquery effects to build my integation: http://www.auyama.it/ Im create 2 modules, one for domain registration of italian domains (http://www.nic.it) and other for ispcp panel a LAMP panel control for linux hosting, comments?
  2. Im set up livezilla and work fine you can create group and have a usefull "chat resume by email" function on linux you vant used with wine work fine
  3. Hi Im set this line on my configuration.php file: if(!empty($_GET["language"])){ $_POST["language"]=$_GET["language"]; } and create a various flags for a 3 languages with this link <a href="{$filename}.php?language=English"><img src="templates/{$template}/images/icons/en.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="15" border="0"></a> <a href="{$filename}.php?language=Spanish"><img src="templates/{$template}/images/icons/es.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="15" border="0"></a> <a href="{$filename}.php?language=Italian"><img src="templates/{$template}/images/icons/it.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="15" border="0"></a> all pages are working fine but the http://hosting.gnoky.com/'>http://hosting.gnoky.com/ http://hosting.gnoky.com/'>http://hosting.gnoky.com/hosting.php http://hosting.gnoky.com/'>http://hosting.gnoky.com/easybackup.php and other maked by hand for me don't taken the language I get only the "Default Language" than i set on "General Settings" on the admin area. you can try here, all is online: http://hosting.gnoky.com ### DEBUG INFORMATION ### Registered to: Ricardo License Type: Monthly Lease No Branding License Expires: 2010-10-29 WHMCS URL: http://hosting.gnoky.com WHMCS Version: 4.3.1 PHP Version: 5.2.0-8 MySQL Version: 5.0.32-Debian
  4. hi ! I found a mising string on the italian language and spanish , I don check the other languages bud ........ ad this for the next version # italian language file: $_LANG["changessavedsuccessfully"] = "Los cambios han sido salvados!"; #Spanish language file: $_LANG["changessavedsuccessfully"] = "I cambi sono stati esseguiti!"; http://www.auyama.it http://hosting.goky.com
  5. hi i found a simple solution for the italian vat or fiscal code: this is the regexp code: /^[A-Z]{6}\d{2}[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]$|^[0-9]{10,11}$/ http://www.auyama.it http://hosting.gnoky.com
  6. Hi I found 2 problems/issues on Registrar Development Kit and Server Module Development Kit 1) In the first one Registrar Development Kit the whmcs Team made a mistake on line 98 end line of code don't have a ; that give a strange error on configuration registrar page. 2) The Server Module Development Kit have an issues: if you call your module ispcp_auyama your module don't work because you only may use alphanumerical chars on module name ( the whmcs Team don't say nothing about that) Ricardo Cabrera Rycardo74@gmail.com Ispcp/Gnu/Debian/Whmcs
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