0; if($tableExist){ $pdo = Capsule::connection()->getPdo(); $pdo->beginTransaction(); } else{ Capsule::schema()->create( 'zoho_crm', function ($table) { $table->string('authtoken'); $table->string('domain'); $table->string('zoid'); $table->string('superAdmin'); $table->string('isverified'); $table->string('url'); } ); } } catch (Exception $e) { logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); } return array( 'DisplayName' => 'Zoho CRM', 'APIVersion' => '1.1', 'RequiresServer' => true, 'DefaultNonSSLPort' => '1111', 'DefaultSSLPort' => '1112', 'ServiceSingleSignOnLabel' => 'Login to Panel as User', 'AdminSingleSignOnLabel' => 'Login to Panel as Admin', ); } function zoho_crm_ConfigOptions() { $config = array ( 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'dropdown', 'Options' => 'com,eu', 'Description' => '
Domain Region'), ); return $config; } /*function zoho_crm_createAccount(array $params) { $curl = curl_init(); $arrClient = $params['clientsdetails']; $bodyArr = array ( 'JSONString' => array( "serviceid" => 1, "email" => $arrClient['email'], "customer" => array( "companyname" => $arrClient['companyname'], "street" => $arrClient['address1'], "city" => $arrClient['city'], "state" => $arrClient['state'], "country" => $arrClient['countryname'], "zipcode" => $arrClient['postcode'], "phone" => $arrClient['phonenumber'] ), "subscription" => array( "plan" => "9314", "addons" => array( "id" => "126", "count" => 1 ), "payperiod" => "YEAR" ), ), ); $authtoken = array( "authtoken" => "f6d12862690c14a95576fd8d60b10458" ); $partnerkey = array ( "partnerkey" => "1d8f135ac08a1134009a1d348dc510bef83ce09843f596669a0b5ec84090750f" ); $bodyJson = json_encode($bodyArr); $curlOrg = curl_init(); $urlOrg = 'https://payments.localzoho.'.$params['configoption1'].'/restapi/partner/v1/json/subscription'; curl_setopt_array($curlOrg, array( CURLOPT_URL => $urlOrg, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $bodyArr, $authtoken, $partnerkey )); $responseOrg = curl_exec($curlOrg); return array ('success' => $bodyJson); } */ // {"JSONString":{"serviceid":1,"email":"test@gmail.com","customer":{"companyname":"zoho","street":"21, nehru street","city":"chennai","state":"Tamil Nadu","country":"India","zipcode":"614601","phone":"9876543211"},"subscription":{"plan":"9314","addons":{"id":"126","count":1},"payperiod":"YEAR"}}} function zoho_crm_createAccount(array $params) { $urlChildPanel; try { //$cli = Capsule::table('zoho_crm')->where('domain',$params['domain'])->first(); //$authtoken = $cli->authtoken; $curl = curl_init(); $arrClient = $params['clientsdetails']; $bodyArr = array( //'JSONString' => array( "serviceid" => 2, "email" => $arrClient['email'], "customid" => "97", "customer" => array( "companyname" => $arrClient['companyname'], "street" => $arrClient['address1'], "city" => $arrClient['city'], "state" => $arrClient['state'], "country" => $arrClient['countryname'], "zipcode" => $arrClient['postcode'], "phone" => $arrClient['phonenumber'] ), "subscription" => array( "plan" => 14817, "addons" => array( array( "id" => 14927, "count" => 1 ) ), "payperiod" => "YEAR", "currency" => "1", "addprofile" => "true" ), //), ); $authtoken = array( "authtoken" => "f6d12862690c14a95576fd8d60b10458" ); $partnerkey = array ( "partnerkey" => "1d8f135ac08a1134009a1d348dc510bef83ce09843f596669a0b5ec84090750f" ); $bodyJson = json_encode(array('JSONString' => $bodyArr)); //$bodyJson = json_encode($bodyArr); $curlOrg = curl_init(); $urlOrg = 'https://payments.localzoho.'.$params['configoption1'].'/restapi/partner/v1/json/subscription'; curl_setopt_array($curlOrg, array( CURLOPT_URL => $urlOrg, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $bodyArr&$authtoken&$partnerkey )); $responseOrg = curl_exec($curlOrg); return array ('success' => $responseOrg); $respOrgJson = json_decode($responseOrg); $getInfo = curl_getinfo($curlOrg,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($curlOrg); if ( $getInfo == '200') { //if(Capsule::schema()->hasTable('zoho_crm')){ //if(exists:zoho_crm){ /*$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'zoho_crm'"); $tableExist = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0; if($tableExist){ $pdo = Capsule::connection()->getPdo(); $pdo->beginTransaction(); */ try { $statement = $pdo->prepare( 'insert into zoho_crm (authtoken,domain,zoid,isverified,superAdmin,url) values (:authtoken, :domain, :zoid, :isverified, :superAdmin, :url)' ); $statement->execute( [ ':authtoken' => "f6d12862690c14a95576fd8d60b10458", ':domain' => $respOrgJson->data->domainName, ':zoid' => $respOrgJson->data->zoid, ':isverified' => ($respOrgJson->data->isVerified)?'true':'false', ':superAdmin' => $respOrgJson->data->superAdmin, ':url' => $urlChildPanel ] ); $pdo->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return "Uh oh! {$e->getMessage()}".$urlChildPanel; $pdo->rollBack(); } return array ('success' => 'CRM Org has been created.'); /*} else{ echo "Table not exists"; }*/ } else if ($getInfo == '400') { $updatedUserCount = Capsule::table('tblproducts') ->where('servertype','zoho_crm') ->update( [ 'configoption2' => '', ] ); } else { return 'Failed -->Description: '.$respOrgJson->status->description.' --->More Information:'.$respOrgJson->data->moreInfo.'--------------'.$getInfo; } return 'failed'.$response; } catch (Exception $e) { logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); return $e->getMessage(); } } function zoho_crm_TestConnection(array $params) { try { // Call the service's connection test function. $success = true; $errorMsg = ''; } catch (Exception $e) { // Record the error in WHMCS's module log. logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); $success = false; $errorMsg = $e->getMessage(); } return array( 'success' => $success, 'error' => $errorMsg, ); } function zoho_crm_AdminServicesTabFields(array $params) { try{ $url = 'https://accounts.localzoho.'.$params['configoption1'].'/apiauthtoken/create?SCOPE=ZohoPayments/partnerkey'; $cli = Capsule::table('zoho_crm')->where('domain',$params['domain'])->first(); $authtoken = "f6d12862690c14a95576fd8d60b10458"; if(!$authtoken == '') { $authtoken = '


'; } else { $authtoken = ' Click here (Call only once for authenticating)'; } $response = array(); $verificationStatus; if (strcmp("true",$cli->isverified) == 0) { $verificationStatus = 'Verified'; } else { $verificationStatus = 'Not Verified'; } return array( 'Authtoken' => '', 'Authenticate' => $authtoken, 'Client Domain' => $cli->domain, 'Client Control Panel' => 'Click here', 'Super Administrator' => $cli->superAdmin, 'ZOID' => $cli->zoid, 'Domain verification status' => $verificationStatus, 'URL to Manage Customers' => 'Click here' ); } catch (Exception $e) { logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); } return array(); } function zoho_crm_AdminServicesTabFieldsSave(array $params) { // Fetch form submission variables. $originalFieldValue = isset($_REQUEST['zoho_crm_original_uniquefieldname']) ? $_REQUEST['zoho_crm_original_uniquefieldname'] : ''; $newFieldValue = isset($_REQUEST['zoho_crm_uniquefieldname']) ? $_REQUEST['zoho_crm_uniquefieldname'] : ''; if ($originalFieldValue != $newFieldValue) { try { } catch (Exception $e) { logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); } } } function zoho_crm_ServiceSingleSignOn(array $params) { try { $response = array(); return array( 'success' => true, 'redirectTo' => $response['redirectUrl'], ); } catch (Exception $e) { logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); return array( 'success' => false, 'errorMsg' => $e->getMessage(), ); } } function zoho_crm_AdminSingleSignOn(array $params) { try { // Call the service's single sign-on admin token retrieval function, // using the values provided by WHMCS in `$params`. $response = array(); return array( 'success' => true, 'redirectTo' => $response['redirectUrl'], ); } catch (Exception $e) { // Record the error in WHMCS's module log. logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); return array( 'success' => false, 'errorMsg' => $e->getMessage(), ); } } function zoho_crm_ClientArea(array $params) { $serviceAction = 'get_stats'; $templateFile = 'templates/overview.tpl'; try { $cli = Capsule::table('zoho_crm')->where('domain',$params['domain'])->first(); $urlToPanel = $cli->url; return array( 'tabOverviewReplacementTemplate' => $templateFile, 'templateVariables' => array( 'crmUrl' => 'https://crm.zoho.com', 'panelUrl' => $urlToPanel ), ); } catch (Exception $e) { // Record the error in WHMCS's module log. logModuleCall( 'zoho_crm', __FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); // In an error condition, display an error page. return array( 'tabOverviewReplacementTemplate' => 'error.tpl', 'templateVariables' => array( 'usefulErrorHelper' => $e->getMessage(), ), ); } }